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Everything posted by SuAvE-1

  1. You'd be cool! caus anyone not into star wars wouldnt get it anyways! I know i didn't.
  2. Just cover the vinyl over it! It will make a nice, cushy sort of texture, or, even add another layer of foam for a more plush effect. If you really want to remove it, you could burn it with a lighter and an aerosol can and then wash the residue with a soapy sponge. :wassup: I dunno, i'm just being creative. I've gotta come across this hurdle in a few weeks time aswell.
  3. Is there any way of getting just the sensor mechanism? I don't have a shift light, but I just got a gear knob today which has some blue leds that I don't think i will be using however, this might be an interesting purpose! They are wayy too bright just for decoration. I was thinking i might be able to do a dodgy hook-up between the output for a shift light, and these light on the gear knob.
  4. Flip a coin! Both look good, imo i'd be saving cash, but i do love the gold...
  5. I jus got import approval the other day. It took a while as I faxed off the application form without the proof of month of manufactur, i ended up getting a fax requesting 'proof of manufacture date', so I called up Nissan Australia and got them to write me out a letter confirming the date of manufacture. No problems!
  6. GTST is right in his theory as far as I know but there is one point i would like to make. There could be at least on BOV design out there which is engineered to make a 'flutter' noise by say using a disc to open and close the venting port a predetermined interval - say venting - closed - venting - closed etc... It would probly not be as effective as a normal, correctly adjusted bov, but it could still make that 'flutter' type noise if you know what I mean. In my previous car, a series 4 rx-7, I used a basic type 1 littlle auto barn bov. I also had a K&N pod filter. At lower revs when I would release the accelerator (say before 2000rpm), there would be a reverberation because there wasn't enough boost pressure to open the bov and the noise of the remaining air pressure would 'cut up' against the turbine wheel, which would be amplified by the pod. At 3500rpm, there would be less noticable reverberation and a low whoosh noise coming from the bov as their was enough pressure for the bov to vent a bit. At 5000rpm, no noticeable reverberation and maximum output on the bov. I'm not 100% on this, but i think an intercooler would have the same effect of amplifying the noise by the air being pushed up against the turbo for the sake of this arguement. A lot of people call it 'the intercooler noise' or "the intercooler is what creates the noise". yeah right. I've lost track of most of what has been said, but this is what I know, and anyone can challenge me on it. If you want to experience reverberation, trying blowing air out of your mouth as hard as you can against a room or pedastal fan. There is definetly a noise.
  7. Hey all, I got a r32 gts-t, looking for a design for a BOV with a 38mm inlet. Anyone got any ideas? A close friend can make anything up using metal, so if there is a good design out there with some measurements, i'd be very interested in seeing it. A cheap finished product or a second-hand piece would do just as well, I would be willing to pay a bit. Thanks
  8. AHHHH HAHAHAHA. Thats a good one. I was in class when I read that. I know what your talking about someonestolecc but i've never heard anything that sounded like that. Possibly the most similar noise would the sound of a VL commodore with no BOV and a large intercooler which sounds like a CHOO choo choo choo....
  9. I'm a time bomb? You got no idea what sort of driving experience that I've had. My last car was a series 4 rx-7, i tested the limits of that car and exceeded them, jus as you have (in a controlled environment ofcourse). I've become very familiar with every car i've owned, if i'm not familiar with it, i'll be very cautious with it. This debate is about whether or not L platers should be allowed to drive over powered cars, and there is no subsitute for experience. They reccommend 120hours on L's, I did at least 500 hours. I got my L's the day I turned 16, got my p's the day I turned 18 (pretty much). I did 40,000klms of driving in my first year. This may not seem like much to someone over 21, but don't assume anything about me or anyone else who drives on the road. I haven't had an accident yet because I regonise many tricky situations waiting to happen. I don't do stupid manouvers and I drive a relatively high powered car because when I want or need power, I got it. Btw, you'll never see me doing stupid s... with other people in the car, no matter how safe i think it is.
  10. Angry pidgeon on drugs? I think it is a "type S" (Greddy i think). A type S makes a high-pitch whistle noise at the beginning, 1/2 sec later the frequency comes down and fades out. Lasts about 2.25 secs depending on settings. could b an angry pidgeon??? hahahaha
  11. I would agree that L platers probly won't be doing stupid things while their parents are in the car with them. L plater gets pissed off at their parents? Even most s..t boxes can do over 100k/hr - doesn't matter how high-powered the vehicle is, unless it is an old datto, or a volvo :wassup: , any car can be unsafe given mistreatment. The power to weight ratio limit imposed on P platers in Victoria (don't know about anywhere else) isn't really enforced from what I've seen. I see P platers everywhere with cars over the limit (except newer SS commodores which cops know are over) but once again, its not what a car is capable of, its what the driver is capable (or not so capable) of. The P platers who are going to have an accident are going to have one regardless of whether their car does 12's, 14's, or 17.5's! Other restrictions on P platers would save more lives than the one in question. The fact that P platers are allowed a zero-alcohol tolerance is excellent I think, even if it does mean I can't have a drink 1-2 hours before I drive. Bizzrevhead - "they don't deserve it"??? Who knows what endeavours they had to overcome to get "such a nice car". It that generalising mentality which allows ridiculous restrictions and laws to begin in the first place. Finally, an L plater with 'responsible' parents say who had a VY SS Commodore would learn what its like to lose traction in the wet with a quick throttle. Having the parent there to excercise caution would prove a valueable lesson learnt. I had this sort of experience when I was young, and I'm very proud to say I've never had an accident, never caused one, avoid many accidental attempts by others no matter which car i was driving, rain, hail or shine. /rant :headspin:
  12. Hey all, I'm wracking my brain trying to find the part number for a boss kit for my 32 GTS-t with HICAS. Are there any MOMO compatible boss kits out there for my 32 which allow for HICAS? If so, where do I find them? Are there any compatible models available which support HICAS? Thanks. Lior
  13. Just looking for a cheap Hicas boss kit that it compatible with MOMO steering wheels. Thanks.
  14. isn't it recommended to get the air con moving because a part of the system will grow moss on it and stink out the vents?
  15. Most of the car dealers you find in Japan are willing to go out and find you a car at the auctions. I would highly reccomend 'auto square' as a very responsible and reliable agency. You give them a deposit, and they will give you access to almost all of the auctions in japan, allowing you to search for any car as you please. They aren't actually a 'car dealer' - they don't keep any sort of stock. They are pure auction agents. If you are looking at venturing into importing your own vehicle, it is not an easy task and you can be fooled very easily if you don't do your homework. For example, if you purchase a car with auto square and you can't import it till next month, they will charge you 1,000YEN per day that they have to hold it for you. It ends up being a fair bit extra. I can't honestly reccomend any import agents in Australia, but I can guide you if you want to hook us up with some skyline or general auto stuff.
  16. hehehe. ppl, i don't actually know how to use the program at all. woudn't know what a reference line is or where to find one. you get the picture though. i'll probly give it a shot, see how it turns out not sure if the chrome grille typically suits a beastly skyline. eh, i'll take pictures once i get around to it. Lior.
  17. Hahaha, I like the shape of the stock steering wheel, might get it re-trimmed in vinyl and I want my HICAS (I know there are boss kits that fix this problem). I'm planning to redo the whole interior in red, black and silver. It is a good thing that I am getting the car fairly cheaply, i over-budgeted a lot ( I thought i was going to get another rx-7 or a 300zx). I imported the car myself. This will be the sixth car I have imported between my dad and I hence, I don't pay any fees!
  18. thats not a bad idea grandmasterb, I would take it into consideration, but I needed to give my mate the dimensions of the box about a week ago, so I gave him a design for a 'wedge' type box which should hopefully be almost as high as the boot, sit as far back in the boot as possible, span the width of the boot (between the strut towers) and come out towards the back of the car. I've had to go on the very rough estimate i took when i looked at the boot of a r32 gtr. it had an inch or two of padding so that distorts things a bit. The end result should be a box which is designed perfectly to the subbies specifcations, hopefully just small enough to fit in the back of the boot with no problems. The picture attached shows the measurements and what i mean if want to design something similar. I used the caraudioaustralia.com calculator as a tool. its very useful for designing basic subbie boxes. Good luck with your own subbie box.
  19. G'day all. What do you think if the following happened: Your at a pub/club/night-stop and your the designated driver that night. You know your going to be at the venue for at least a few hours, so you decide to have a drink. You are a P-Plater. About half an hour to one our later, you gotta go for some reason. The venue has a breathalyser machine up on the wall, you decide to use it given you might have some trace of alcohol left (just to be safe). You register 0.000 BAC on the machine. You begin driving and on a random check, a cop pulls you over for a breath test. You register 0.01 (or 0.02 for this matter) and you get booked. You've lost your license for six months. You lose your job because you can't go to work. There are no disclaimers written anywhere on the machine, even if there were, it was not easily visible. Can you take legal action against either, the night-spot, and/or the manufacturers of the machine? This hasn't happened to me or anyone i know, but i was thinking about it today. I figure it might happen to someone i know one day at the least.
  20. Thanks for the input fellas. I paid 183,000JPY FOB at auction. The thing was though, it was at a private auction held by my auction agent, only for its members, so there wasn't really many people up to actually bid on the car. I'm thinking that the steering wheel might have been deliberatly damaged by the looks of it. The guy could have gotten bored and just started to peel the material away. Judging from the other photos I have, the seats, and more importantly, the pedals do not show any wear except a small stain on the drivers. The engine bay is dirty, but not filthy. I'm hoping this car just hasn't been serviced in a while, rather than having excess k's. My last car from japan was a series 4 rx-7 which came from a snowy area. 63,000kms on the clock, perfect condition interior, but the paint chipped really easily. The skyline is in Yokohama, it might have come from somewhere else though. Ah well. I can only hope for the best when the car finally arrives.
  21. Hey all, I had an idea in my head for a new grille. Excuse my poor photochop skills, but I think it would be interesting to see a grille similar to this in real life (considering an absense of one). I don't think it suits the car in this photo, it looks a bit off. Like to hear your thoughts anyways.
  22. Hey all. Just bought a Black 32 gtst coupe. Happy with the price, but i'm a bit weary about the K's. Its done 103,000km but the interior is suffering. The steering wheel, gear knob and hand-brake knob seem really, really wrecked, but the rest is in top condition. Car was never in an accident, and its completely stock except for a turbo timer. The only things wrong with the car is that the sunroof is said to 'not working properly' and there is a nice big crack in the windshield. I did notice the engine bay is filthy with dust and the brake fluid resevoir looks empty! The seats and door trims and pedals look like 100,000k worthy, but the steering wheel, shifter and hand brake knobs are completely wrecked! Do you guys think that this guy jus didn't really care for the car as a whole, or this thing has done 300,000km? :kick: Check it out
  23. bump!
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