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  1. Hi Tony, Thanks for renewing your membership with SAU Victoria! I have sent you an email with your membership number. I hope you enjoy your upcoming event Thanks, Robyn
  2. Hi Matt, Thanks for letting me know, I’ll send you through a confirmation email now. Glad to have you joining us for the next 3 years! Cheers, Robyn
  3. Hi Bill, You’re card was sent out this morning, it should arrive for you by the end of the week. If it doesn’t arrive by the weekend let me know. I hope you have a great day on track and hopefully you can make it to our day at Sandown for the Grand Final weekend Cheers, Robyn
  4. Hi Matt, A few renewal reminders will be sent out this weekend. I’ll have a check now and send you a quick email Cheers, Robyn
  5. Hi Viper2002, Sorry to heat it didn’t arrive, it was sent out back in April I’ve sent you an email so I can check your details and get a new card out to you ASAP.
  6. Hi Gareth, I’ve replied to your email, if you can check it and get back to me when you have a moment that would be great Thanks, Robyn
  7. Hi Sierra, Can you please send through the email again and I can check it out for you asap. cheers, Robyn
  8. I accept and second the nomination of Tony, Simon and Martin.
  9. Hi Anthpls, can you send a quick email with you details to [email protected] and I can look into it for you tonight
  10. Hi Guys, it sounds like a few have people have not recieved emails. I was sending renewals in bulk but it may be better to send individually and follow up with people if I haven't got a reply. I'll be home this evening so will sit down and send out back dated ones to members that have not been in contact and see if there are more out there. Steve, I will check that yours has been sent and let you know Entry
  11. Hi, Sorry to hear it didn't come through. Can you send me a quick email to [email protected] and I can follow it up for you. Cheers, Robyn
  12. Thanks for signing up, your membership pack was posted on Sunday, so should arrive in the next few days. I will send a confirmation email in case you need proof of membership in the meantime
  13. Hey Stu, I've just emailed you. Cheers, Robyn
  14. I accept the nomination for secretary. It has been great working with the current committee and I would like to second the nominations for Tony - President, Simon - Vice President and Anna - Treasurer.
  15. Have pm'ed Rob. Emailed admS15 as I can't pm you for some reason.
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