Does anyone know where i could get hold of some piller gauge pods for an r34?
Ive been to places like unique autosports and they only have them for r33s and r32s.
i tried using stiky tape temporarily but also it seems as if the
switch isnt strong enuf to pull the latch to move the shifter
it could be the plastic part which i taped up has a spring attached to it which seems like its too loose or tight for it to move..
im takn it to my mechanic monday to see wat he thinks..
It seems that the swtich is fine but..
the plastic bit that the switch sticks into to trigger the lock is broken
Can you get replacement bits for this kinda thing?
When i take my car out of park i ususaly have to put my foot on the brake first.
But now i think the switch is broken, ive been trying all morning to take it out of park and ive stuffed around with it trying different things and no luck.
It happend a cuple of times early in the year but i just turned the car off and back on again then it would work..
Anyone know where that trigger switch is located so i can have a look?
I assume its next too or around the shifter itself?
Sorry, I dont know if this has been asked already, but when is the closing date for the order?
I will be in if i sell sum stuff im trying to sell, I just want to know how long i have
Im passin it on cos ive finished paying it off.. im off my p's in a month and i want an r34 gtt which i hope to be getting around christmas ( if i can find one )
Wat gtr u getin?
My car is going to be passed onto a friend in a few weeks, but they still want me to do the mods to the car - with there money
It seems alot of people recommend getting extractors so im going to look into doing that