lol im not talking about u... everyone else is having a go at him
were they need to see
ive did that before
or shit i speed or shit i go to the illigal drags
as i said u may not do it.
good on ya... unfortunatly
every one i know perosnally who has a skyline
or a preformace car does
no matter how old they r and mature they r
they all play up
not in a residentual zone.
but on main roads free ways
back roads.. they do...
i just dont understand y people are haviong a go at him for.
his young he was havings ome fun..
yeh mite have been stupid but big dicks .. he learnt his leason
go ask JNR24 what he tried to do on my front lawn once,,
and what punishment he got form it .. and if he will ever do it again...