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Everything posted by Zdenko

  1. man nik il show ya on sat ir sunday no exhuats sounds like a BIG BEEFF haha
  2. yeh its sickkkk like a jet
  3. nah not yte its stock at da moment actually i got da stock exhaust but its unbolted from da cat hahahah
  4. Zdenko

    theyre gaining!!

    yeah r33 go sik on a wet day even on a dry day hell any day and greg.. i think he means somethin like this.... u understand??? hehehe
  5. nik that r32 ute looks mad u do that as well ok... man i took of da exhaust and BOV today every thing is stock standard, i got dicked last nite hard by a cop... im gonna be sent out an epa letter soon.. farkk not happy
  6. lol u still wont be able to catch me .. haha nik nik nik u should know me allready i cant hear my enegine.. head unit set o 36 sub pumping at +4 no worries mate thats how we drag in da west ... hahah
  7. lol nah seriously down calder park fair enough u dont need a shift light cause u know its one straiht road and no one pops out but when ur on millers rd in altona 4 o clock in da morning.... draging some smart arse in a silvia turbo... u mite wanna keep ur eyes on da road there for shift light is hand.. not the big monsta tacho.. **** that!!! thats to woggish even for me.... hmmm would look good tho hahah all u need is a small little light some where so u dont hit that bloody limiter and loose time and get imbarresed by a pices of crap silver.. or r32 hahah sorry nik
  8. Zdenko

    theyre gaining!!

    so we should just type stupid replies then???
  9. i reocn u need a boost gague and a shift light.. if u got a rev limitor cause u dont wanna hit that limitor in a drag... trust me
  10. pleaseee NI a wrx would distroy ur car from 0 - 60 easy .. anything would beat ur car .. hehehe jk man my mates wrx eats me hard from 0-60 but as soon as i snap into 2nd its all a diffrent story.. but his is stock except da exhaust.. cants say i ran a rex worked yet....
  11. i got da same problem.. but i think its my BOV ever since i installed it its been staling ican accelarate the clutch and it it stops how can i fix this?
  12. dats alrite i cant wait to boost ,mine up and get my full zorst should be interesting to see what i get
  13. dats allrite.. what u done to ur car tho? im tryin to run a high 13 with a stock car.. im .1 of a second away i need a cold day tho how much work have u done to urs so far???
  14. yeah i know thats y im not taking it tonite il probly run a high 14's and il be pissed off hahaha
  15. any one running there aniamls 2nite down calder park??? im thinking about trying to break 13 seconds.. butttt i dont know i mite just watch my mate run his wrx sti ..
  16. whats from paul.. ?/ what u been smoking matteee?? u been working at primus to long
  17. Zdenko

    Turbo Talk

    u touch da turbo.. il be forced to get slovak mafia and net send u flatstick for a whole shift........
  18. Zdenko

    Turbo Talk

    its not john its his bro hahaha
  19. Zdenko

    Turbo Talk

    lol hahah but im getting the turbo for free anyways ... or dirt cheap...
  20. Zdenko

    Turbo Talk

    NIK STAY AWAY i want it... yeah i seen the ceramic turbos.. they look weak as piss thats y i wanted something a lol stronger...
  21. Zdenko

    Turbo Talk

    farkkk typos... i ment i wanted to know .. hahaha
  22. Zdenko

    Turbo Talk

    i dont know.. i wante dto nkwo if it would increase da preformance of my car at all. its been rebuilt and everything so i dont think its in bad condition at all..
  23. Zdenko

    Turbo Talk

    well its a reco trubo of a VL so u recon not worth it..
  24. Zdenko

    Turbo Talk

    hey guys... im thinking of slamming on a T3 turbo straight out of a VL... now aparently there not a ballbearing turbo.. sooo i dont knwo if it will make much of a diffrence or infact decrease my preformace.. what use recon?? hey Inark Nik its the turbo of Johns VL well i spare one his brother had... aparently non ball bearin turbos take a while to spool up.. butttt what i wanna know is it gonna increase da preformance of my car
  25. ur rite excel is a lil shity i mite go holden barina and turbo charge that then ahhaha
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