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Everything posted by Jezza-gtR

  1. Thanks for your replies so far guys I'm still trying to work out what’s best at the moment. I have been talking with my parents, school careers advisor and a close mate of mine about what to do, I’m still a bit hazed on what to do, I want to leave school at the end of this year because it shits me up the wall but it is only the start of the year and anything can change. Read above, and I haven’t started TAFE yet so I can’t talk to anyone at BHI. Also I posted here because I wanted peoples opinions and advice in what to do because I have a interest in skylines and generally cars and I want to work in the automotive area. I really don’t give 2 shits about science so I may just leave it as is and see what happens, all I really care for is doing well at TAFE and my Business Management 1-2 units this year. -Jezza
  2. Hey guys, Pretty much my situation is as follows, every Wednesday starting next week I have TAFE at Box Hill and every Wednesday I have a double science class. Now the problem is that in 2 weeks I should have done 5 science classes but I would only be doing 1 with what’s going on now. So I have 3 options right now and I want to know what you think I should do. 1)I can leave it as it is and do 1 class a fortnight and most likely fail science. 2)1 of the weeks I could try and switch science classes to do 3 classes. 3)And last but not least I could try and switch classes for both weeks and 5 classes And for anyone who might ask this question, I want to be a auto mechanic and I‘m currently doing Engineering and Manufacturing up till the mid year, then hopefully doing a automotive course. And if it means anything, I'm in yr 10 right now. Thanks guys to anyone who helps out. -Jezza
  3. Hey guys and girls, I just thought I would introduce my self being a long time reader, my name is Jesse (jezza) I’m 14 y/o turning 15 in march and currently live in the Croydon South area. Little bit about me, I love my cars, V8’s and Japs (Ford / Nissan ), been doing some small freestyle bmx for about 3 years now still not that good , last year I started snowboarding up at Mt.Hotham so I hope to get back up there this year and do some more. And please guys, don’t treat me like some fast and the furious kid, I’m a lot more mature about cars and know that big flashy bolt ons and big logos don’t give you +50hp. Anyway this year I hope to get more involved with car related stuff / events and I’ll be starting year 10 and TAFE at Box hill for Engineering and Manufacturing starting Feb finishing about June I think, then I hope to do a Automotive course the 2nd half of the year. Well im done, hope you all had happy and safe Christmas and happy new year.
  4. nick: jezza name: jesse age: 14 Location: baywaster north / croydon south Car: none yet Email: [email protected] No car yet, but i do have a mini-bike that goes good will get some pics up later.
  5. Anyone here play alliance on Destromath? if so send me a in game mail to Jezza
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