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Everything posted by NJR 34GTT

  1. Yeah I was there briefly(White GT-T) but got called into work. Sucks to be oncall 24/7
  2. Was fun for the brief while I was there guys, but unfortunately I'm on call and have been called into work. Nice meeting the people I did get to speak with.
  3. Well there's no point to me trying to wash mine today as the brake dust just puts big black marks down the side as soon as it gets wet again. Should still be up for tomorrow if the weather is ok.
  4. I'd be very careful. Changes to the rolling diameter can affect the TCS adversely and think its constantly slipping. Now of course if you drive with it off its doesn't matter.
  5. $2300 with just your mum on the quote seems ridiculously high for a 32...... Might be unlucky and just live in a region where you are at high risk which leads to high insurance costs. Have you tried Just Cars? They were a hell of a lot cheaper with their quotes than anyone else. 2nd Closest being famous who were really helpful but couldn't match Just Cars at the end of the day.
  6. I think it would be fairly easy? Since nearly everyone coming would be in a skyline themselves then they would only have friends with them and I'd imagine they were trustworthy. I'm paranoid though. Always get worried when I see people checking out my 34.
  7. Bass, Good to hear there's progress on the guides. Any rough ideas on shipping costs? Will be nice to get a little extra cooling before summer hits.
  8. IBM paid for my 34 1st year out of uni - IT Server Specialist. Saved most of it and took a small loan for the rest from my parents. I think alot of the advice in previous posts is excellent though. I admit it would have been much smarter for me to wait a few years and get a house first but I'm impatient and hopefully have quite a few payrises heading my way soonish. It is very disturbing the ridiculous variations in the wages in the IT industry. But if you have decent credentials I think you can make some seriously decent money. Oh and also the most important thing is to budget. I sat down and worked out all my expenses for each month then factor in some decent savings and the rest is what I can afford to spend each month.
  9. It isn't actually that hard to shear them off. Spastics at a certain tyre centre cross threaded one of my studs on my old liberty resulting in it shearing off. Also managed to put some lovely scratches on my wheels. Not impressed.
  10. They will fit but you more than likely will have issues with the TCS due to different rolling diameter.
  11. Afro. I'd say the 25 error was because you didn't do the diag mode in direct sunlight? If you did it in the garage or something it would flash 25. If it still does flash 25 in sunlight I think it would be connections as opposed to the device as it would be a very simple photovoltaic device.
  12. I think there is one only in Canberra....
  13. Yeah my GT-T knob most definitely does not push in.
  14. Local import yards are crap. Over-priced and poor quality. Don't even waste your time with them.
  15. I looked at both when buying my skyline and the 34 is definitely worth the extra price. Whilst fundamentally the same, the extra refinement and newer age are a big plus. And also as previously mentioned 33s are getting very common, whilst there are a few 34s out there, nowhere near as many.
  16. Sunload sensor is near the edge of the front side of the dash on the passenger side. Looks like a small solar cell.
  17. Yeah I tried the diagnostic mode and got what I expected a 22 and a 25. The 25 being from the fact the car is in the garage. I suspect they didn't reconnect the internal sensor properly when my profecb handset was disconnected. Now the task of pulling apart my dash just to get to that sensor and the back of the climate control seems a little daunting. Happy to know that I've determined that it is the internal temperature sensor though. Thanks guys. Oh and I noticed that weird grate symbol too.
  18. There is no red triangle button on the 34?
  19. One thing they really need is consistency. I don't think it's fair for exactly the same things to be considered legal by some and not by others.
  20. Don't think it would do anything either but I'm still gonna give it a shot. As for the sensor not being plugged in, a problem along those lines is what I suspected but where exactly is the sensor? Couldn't quite decipher the location.
  21. Can't see anyway/any button that could show outside temp on mine either. Guess I'll just get it looked at next service, which will be v soon anyway.
  22. The climate control in my 34 seems to not work correctly. When in auto mode and set to any temperature the fan automatically turns to maximum and starts blasting hot air no matter what temperature i set the display too. In manual mode, it blows cold air when set to 18 degrees and blows hot air when set to any other temperature. It seems like the temperature sensor isn't working so the climate control can't figure out what temperature it is inside the car? Or is this just normal behaviour and I have to live with it? Would much prefer to be able to set a temp and get it to hold as I constantly have to switch up and down from 18 to get the right temp.
  23. Canberra roads were very slippery tonight. Sorry to hear buddy.
  24. I'm using a unichip piggyback which is working very well. Original ECU controls transmission and Unichip tuning, whilst removing all the annoying limits. Unichip having no problems controlling my profec EBC.
  25. Shouldn't a GTR have the same width wheels front and back anyway??
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