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Everything posted by curly_fry_44

  1. got 280 horsepower with a boost controller i am about to high flow the trubo which will let me run alot more boost im upgrading my gear box and getting nos plus i injectors upgrade suspeinsion and i should get around 430 with nos cost around the 5000 mark so yeah
  2. thankz for ya help blade anything else u can think of? also what type of suspension would i need?what the stop i should expect for my gt power wise? also what ype of injectors would i need? and for price im on a very tight biudget unforuntely lol (apprentice life) thankz for ya help blade
  3. thankz blade for ya help!!!!!! do you know what type of injectors or suspension i might need? also what is a bleed valve and what it do? also anything else i might need? thankz!
  4. whats the differnce Apexi AVCR Boost Controller and a apeix safc do i need both? or will my safc do?
  5. hello basically there are many mods u can do to my car but what are the cheaest and best mods to put on for performance? basically i got a dark gray auto gst-t skyline. I have an apexi safc,stock ecu and turbo, 3 1/2 inch exhast with tip,dump pipe,front mount intercooler, pod filter,600 horse fuel pump i think!! what are the cheapest and to gain power and also what are the dear mods which will give power! are then any electronic mods i might need?what ecu should i get for price?and advantages! what things will i need is therer anythine i can do myself for the car for more power and speed? (sorry if i sound dumb but this is my first car and i dont know a hell of alot) oh yeah its a series 2. thankz for your help and time.
  6. plz help im basically trying to pull out all the air con vents dash and all that around the handbrake ect basically to paint it myself? any1 know how it pull apart? and has any1 eva patined there glove box? any1 have pics or directions or even just help plz post it up or email me at curly_fry_44@hotmail.com also any1 how many coats of primer and paint and top coat you put on? thankz for your time and help
  7. im after 2 x blitz badges (all aluimiuim) with backing adhesive 2x apexi 2x hks thankz email me to curly_fry_44 if u need to know anything thanks for your time
  8. Hello just wondering what type of paint do you use to inside the car eg air con vent,the door panel(where the window controls are) around the door handle, the cover around the gear box and up around the cd playey ect! what type of paint and things will i need to paint it and look good, I have an r33 gtst series 2 and i want know how do i it and also how do i pull all those parts out around the dash and door and all that stuff above. Thanks ive got no idea and i dont want to wreck the car thanks for your time and help (my email is curly_fry_44 if u need to ask me stuff) im looking at either silver or a bright blue inside the car (my car is the nissan grey colour thankz
  9. basically well i dont have 30 000 but i will get a loan for 20 000 and see what i can do thankz for ya help!
  10. hello just wondering i have an r33 gst-t and i wanna ask what things will i need to make it around 500 horse without nos! its 4 speed auto! I want to know whats the best ecu for the r33 apexi? and what size turbo for the price. i got 3 1/2 from turbo exhaust intrecooler apexi safc pod filter! thanks for your time and help. (baically im a 17yr old kid and i dont have much money so if u could tell me whats cheap and what dear thankz (my email is curly_fry_44@hotmail.com)
  11. will it work on a r33 auto?what does it come with? and im guessing its for an r25 engine int the gtst series 2? email me abck to curly_fry_44@hotmail.com (how much for postage to qld 4356 and will u cod?
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