Ok now guys this is going a bit far, theres no need for name calling..
I agree simply because you are on your "L"s, your"P"s or on your full license this does not mean you should be anymore unpenalised for breaking the law, whether your going 10 over or 100 over the penatly should be the same. For both P platers and those who have their full license. You should all take into consideration that once apon a time you were starting out driving with your parents beside you, and then moving on with your P's being the excited kid you were to be finally alone or with your friends in the car. It's a new area of responsiblity that some take a little to lightly by being influenced by friends or those people who intimidate you outside the car to speed up or do some neg driving. We all need to be safe on the road.. and controlling the temptation to show off is one way i guess..
I agree also that the media and police automatically target imports, P plated cars or just cars with the simplest mod on it like rims!! Drives me nuts! And gives us all a bad rep. You always see things like "P plater accident" or "Import accident" or "high preformance car accdient" and more recently "skyline accident" it hurts to read each one of these things.. sometimes i wish they would just keep it to themselves and stop trying to word bash anyone with a better car than them!