I didnt really use it as a daily driver but i did take it out on drives ect its preety good on petrol as its only a 2.6 litre on boost it tends to use a bit more but with the petrol prices rising i think youll find its preety even when it comes down to it. so far on top of the car iv spent just abit over 2000k on minor mods , not much at all considering the time iv had the car. i use to own a s14 and like s15 it isnt a bad car either but in standard form the gtr and 200 series are chalk and cheese , Its funny you mention the 200 when i bought mine i was fairly happy with it but a mate bought a Ex circuit 33 R and asked me to go with him for a wrap around the block , this thing had the works !!! i admit , but for the first time understood the potential of GTR . To get over the standard form on a GTR you would probably need to add another 2-4k on top. To add things like Intercooler ,ECU , Boost controller ,Afm ,Injectors,High Flow turbos as the ceramics arnt really boostable. My car is running 1 bar comfortably with cooler, boost control , air pods and exhaust if i added the rest of the bits it needed my car should technically get into the 12s maybe even 11s .When you compare prices your paying more for for a smaller motor with less goodies like 4WD. Then again the 200 is a newer car but as time moves on this car dropping in value and before you know it the car will be a glorified slivia then GTR will remain the legend its always been making history as it moves threw the ages. In then end of the day it about personal preference .When i made the move from 200 to GTR i saw bang for the buck.