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Hiroshima Screamer

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Everything posted by Hiroshima Screamer

  1. batman asking for a rolling start .
  2. DUKES OF HAZARD!!!!!!!! ah yes the General lee , nice choice
  3. magnum's 308 GTS Ferrari
  4. like the original but san andreas , Rocks !!!!
  5. WEDS would look awesome i rekon
  6. chuck it on a Train that way less ks on the car
  7. Baulko is a preety good area but you wouldnt believe the stories i hear about the car theft / property damage side of things , seems to happen very often . sorry to hear about this misfortune mate.
  8. this may be a stupid answer but some times the most little detail is missed , did you check all the pipes sometimes when u tighten one another might come off if one is loose there maybe another in the same condition cooler pipes may have come off if a previous owner tamperd with them before selling .
  9. there should be a Promo girls sub forum
  10. thanks again ... keep a look out will send it over in the next few days
  11. pm sent nix......
  12. after one aswell .... anyone still got one ?
  13. thanks drift but i think i may have worked it out.... still it would be good to have some of it translated in case , would i be able to email it you ?
  14. can anyone translate this piece of instruction so i can get a clue weather or not im on the right track? Thanks in advance.
  15. thanks Dan im going to upload instructions in case anyone here is able to help any further along with some install pics.
  16. Just bought a Kit for my car but not sure how to install as the instructions are in Jap dose anyone have this type BOV on their car and is willing to supply pics and or Tips or maybe have translated Instructions .So far i have installed them using the instructions pics but doesn't seem to be correct as the sound hasn't altered from factory which has me assuming it maybe connected to the wrong pipe ect ? Thanks in advance
  17. doh! will be in W.A
  18. sorry to hear about the news , hope everyone pulls threw
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