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Hiroshima Screamer

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Everything posted by Hiroshima Screamer

  1. Liverpool Nissan 433 Macquarie street, Liverpool ph 9601 5777
  2. deacent yes , decent no
  3. a hot blonde and brunette in anything GTR ....
  4. i remember this event , my mates got the whole race on the ol VHS format recorded from the tele.
  5. another one for laughtatrice.com
  6. not a big fan of the colour , but damn fine all the same
  7. All depends on whole variety of factors when racing i think especially when you dont know 1. How many mods the car your racing have, how mods dose yours have compared, 2 How confident is driver that your racing? 3. Is the car your racing below standards e.g. might have engine problems clutch problems ect.
  8. fmd thats some unbelievable stuff
  9. from Park i go into D for drive and then if need be i can choose R but its usually from D back to P when i stop
  10. iv heard CRC contact cleaner is good , if your going to try a clean.
  11. it was bound to happen and now it has i have to say , looks preety awesome
  12. Drove around with no front bar for a couple of weeeks due to necessity.i think it comes down to the time you are driving and where you are driving the car to , if the police see you during a weekday they are less likey to harass you then if you were driving the car on a sat night in the city.
  13. " Don't want to be an American idiot."
  14. clutch fluid and i think that preety much covers it
  15. what should it read on a standard GTR under firm acceleration to hard acceleration ?
  16. What are you guys getting on a launch ?
  17. i never seen R32 with eyelids but wouldnt look half bad i rekon , but nothing beats bug eyes in my books
  18. i got a few from Kazaa , Quality not that good but still watchable nothing beats the DVDs look out for the movie http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...light=initial+D
  19. is this Electronic Torque Controller safe for the car , i have heard of ppl doing such a mod and having their car turn into a constant RWD ?
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