I recently went and got a wheel allignment after i get a new set of tyres fitted. Originally I noticed that the front passanger tyre was wearing out more on the inside then the passanger side, so that was the reason i went for an allignment.
The wheel alligment just did not seem right. As i drive, the car seems to want to go to the left. I tested this by driving slowly (20km/hr) on a flat road, but the car still wants to go to the left. Even driving on a right the is slanted to the right, the car slightly wants to go to the left still.
Here is the measurements of what they gave me after the allignment:
Caster - Left +3.27
Right +3.16
Camber - Left -2.17
Right -1.22
Individual Toe- Left +5.5mm
Right +5.0mm
Total Toe - +10.5mm
Camber - Left -2.04
Right -1.52
Individual Toe- Left +0.8mm
Right +2.4mm
Total Toe - +1.6mm
Caster - Left +3.22
Right +3.12
Camber - Left -2.11
Right -1.26
Individual Toe- Left +0.8mm
Right +0.8mm
Total Toe - +1.6mm
Camber - Left -2.04
Right -1.55
Individual Toe- Left +2.0mm
Right +2.0mm
Total Toe - +4.0mm
Can someone please tell me what is the propper measurement for the Camber/Toe/caster (front n rear)? Also, i will be taking my car on the track at the end of the month, so what is teh best setting for the track?
PS. I have stock suspension