near new? PFFT..
2 tyre shops told us that the model of tyre is about 5/6yrs old. Both tried to fit the tyre and both couldn’t get the pressure to hold. My friend is not a tyre specialist. Looking at the tyre with a spotlight doesn’t exactly reveal small cracks that form after the rubber hardens.
For you to turn around and tell us to contact the guy who sold you the tyres, is a load of sh*t. So what you are telling me is, if I buy a second-hand car and something goes wrong at the start, then I should go to the person who originally owned the car and not the guy who sold me the car?
For mines, I have only heard what he told me n now from what u told me. But u can’t tell me, from what I have experienced from you is exactly good. Sorry, but I would take mines words over yours.
I had asked a few ppl about u before I told my friend to buy the tyres. Word of mouth about you had been good until you screwed my friend.