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Nismo 34

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  1. Thanks.....all i need now are the pinouts for the R34 GTR ???.....or can i find all i need at the diagnostic port ?
  2. Can anyone help me with wiring one of these into a R34 GTR ? Thanks
  3. Is that + 2 and - 4 actual crank degrees or notches on the cam pulleys ? Thanks.
  4. I have Grid Dancer wiring diagrams (English) for 32/33/34 if they are any use ?
  5. For what model gtr does it fit , 32 or 33/34 ??
  6. Hi Please email me at [email protected] I cant send you a pm for somne reason Interested in a few of the parts listed Thanks Stuart
  7. i assume, going by the spec of the rest of the car they are 256. Tomei 260's are going in.......do these motors usually need a re shim when changing cams ? Can anyone answer any of the other points please ?
  8. Hi all Can anyone clarify a few points for me please. Cam Angle Sensor.......how do i set this correctly to 20 deg ? Cam timing.....my car has HKS cams and the Inlet is advanced 6 pulley notches (so 12deg)......surely this is rather a lot ? Inlet temperature, runs in the 40 to 45 deg C bracket most of the time, is this typical ? My airflow meters sometimes hit 5.00 volts......is this maxed out, and if so, can i fit Nismo AFM's without any other adjustments (i.e. do the Nismo ones simply have a broader range ?) The car feels better on part throttle, and also feels to run stronger just as you release the throttle to change gear......too rich or too weak ? I hope to have a wide band lambda sensor this week........what figures am i looking for and more importantly when should i be looking ? Finally, what oils should i be putting in the Gearbox, transfer and diff (Have been told its Getrag oil only in the gearbox >...true ?) Car is R34 GTR, sorry for all the questions but it does not seem very easy to find any info on these cars
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