If you blowing oil on deceleration, especially down them big ass hills it generally tends to lean towards blown turbo or valve stem seals... If blowing oil on cold start it could be cracked ringlanding or bad valve stem seals... If you blowing oil on hard acceleration it could be rings, ringlanding or turbo seals... It's honestly such a flamin mongrel to find the issue... Steps to resolve this: 1. Both dry and wet compression test. 2. Leakdown test. 3. Check turbo for shaft play. From my personal experiences, I had blue smoke on cold start and under high boost/rpm application. Lasted 12 months and my engine crapped itself- turned out I had a small hairline crack in the ringlanding which developed to a catastrophic crack. If you are from West Sydbey, I can refer you to the guy I used to work for - he has a fetish for jap cars!