What does it exactly say on the canary notice and fine u got?
Does it say full roadworthy needed?
I would be checking exactly what they wrote you up for coz he might have said u need an engineers report for your parcel shelf but didnt write it officially down. Wouldnt want to go wasting your $$ on something you dont need. You should get the parcel shelf fixed properly but may not need to pay an engineer to look at it for 10 mins and charge you alot of $$. They charge so much for their signature because if you are in an accident and they investigate and find the item they signed off for was faulty they will get reamed, so they are just covering their asses.
I was told a bunch of crap when i got done years ago but all they wrote was I needed a full roadworth. When the roadworthy was done they didnt worry about any of the crap i was verbally told, and when you hand in the paperwork at vicroads they couldnt care less either.