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Everything posted by jaik

  1. Ive sent you an email regarding an order for 2 Red seats! Cheers. JK
  2. Ive got a set of Cefiro Radius Rods if you want them cheap. $40 for a set plus post. JK
  3. Parts still available except cam gears Lookin for a quick sale... JK
  4. Hey, any update? Ive paid the $100 deposit so just awaiting the confirmation that theyre in stock and when I can pay you the rest. JK
  5. Any luck with the measurements steve? Also did you get my email mate? I dont want to miss out if its all good! JK
  6. w00t. I should also mention the Bride rails have one normal round hole (front right) and the rest are elongated at around 30mm, basically allowing the installation of a seat of approximately the width ive listed above. JK
  7. ok these measurements were taken from the centre of each hole. Front left to front right 285 to 300mm Front left to rear left 330mm can you plz measure the seats? thanks J
  8. I'll take some measurements from my bride rail shortly and post them up and hopefully JJ can do a quick measurement on their seats JK
  9. I have 2 Cefiro Front Qtr Panels, in Black, both would need minor panel beating to get straight. Also they have both been lipped. They still both bolt up nicely along the sils, front headlights and chassis etc, just have had slight run ins. Can post pics to those who want them. Looking for $120. Located in Perth. http://www.sido-takushi.com/misc/a31fender/ Standard Rear bumper in black, reasonable condition (needs paint). All body attachment holes and clips are ok. $100. Located in Perth. PM me if you want them. JK
  10. http://www.shift-lock.net/febd1/feb27d1-28.jpg JK
  11. I wish there were bigger pictures! JK
  12. Im keen on a set of Red, however I think Id only be definate if they do actually just bolt upto a normal Bride Rail. Is there anyone who can try this at JustJap or who have got them and tried it? Ta JK
  13. Do you know if these particular "universal" rails can be removed, and the seats bolt onto genuine bride low seat rails? Basically I have a shagged Brix and a passenger side rail, so it would be tops if they could bolt straight on! Id like to think that the copiers had this in mind when making them! JK
  14. I used S15 rod ends. But otherwise R32 are for you. S13 has smaller rods. JK
  15. I was just wondering if anyone knows if the type of bracing Im about to describe would be beneficial in a Cefiro, or R32, or any car for that matter.. Basically I was thinking of creating a Triangular style bracing frame in the boot of the cefiro (presume its similar to the R32. My Plan was to have hats over the rear suspension towers like a typical rear strut brace & have both hats connected to each other like a proper rear strut brace. But then I was thinking about having some extra bracing (possibly in a X design) down to the bolt holes that hold the rear bumper support bar in on the floor towards the rear of the boot. Would there be any benefit from this? JK
  16. Few snaps Ive taken whilst I attempt to take apart most of the car myself in preparation for paint n panel. The A31 panels are much easier to install & remove than my old S13, having less bolt and the bolts are in a much easier position to get to. The rear end is quite easy to take apart aswell... the only bugger I had was getting the tail lights out because they had a shtload of silastic on them! Although I brought my car as an absolute shitter with alot of panel damage I was happy to see that there hasnt been a front or rear end hit before. I will continue to update pics as I go along! http://www.sido-takushi.com/paintnpanel/ JK
  17. I thought this was a thread for "tuff" cars... not ones with a front mount! JK
  18. I am planning to run one of these once I put some money aside (currently doing some serious body work!). From what Ive read around the place the GT3071R has almost the same spec front wheel/housing as the HKS GT2835ProS turbo. The main difference with the current breed of GT3071R is that theyre very common with a T25 Int Gate rear housing. Its been discussed around the place that getting the GT3071 with a 90 trim exhaust wheel and a HKS T3 .73 a/r exh housing is the way to go, as Garrett only offer a .6x and a .8x size in T3. Housings are only USD$300 from HKS direct. JK
  19. If that BMW is anything to go by then I dont see why you want people to go there. From what I can read he hasnt actually done any work for you yet... so how do you recommend him? On what basis? JK
  20. Ick. http://rcweb.net/streetcar/3_1.shtml JK
  21. Its actually a GT2860... so might not be so bad for a 20. http://www.turbobygarrett.com/turbobygarre...60_705329_2.htm JK
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