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Everything posted by jaik

  1. Its about AUS$1500 for a Final Konexxion kit... and Im pretty keen on a whole kit. Is anyone able to find a supplier of a copy of this kit or original and ship to Aus? JK
  2. Not as much as Takushi JK
  3. Sounds like you need a friend JK
  4. Use the search function dude. JK
  5. Just do it properly as they state. Derego, Degas (if applicable), $50 and the forms. JK
  6. Sold and delivered! cheers! JK
  7. What did you get done for Bam? JK
  8. Im just interested because I think I was very lucky and got a very low penalty for what I did. Im far from gloating. Im a fckn idiot for doing what I did, especially endangering the life of my passenger. There were about 10 driving charges I saw in court this morning and some people do some crazy shit, so Im just wondering if anyone else would care to share what theyve done. JK
  9. I just got a 9 month suspension and $750 fine for Reckless Driving (inherently dangerous). My story in short (on my statement of material facts) is that I was doing 204kmph in a 100 zone, with a passenger, and left 75m worth of skids before doing a 180 spin and bogging the car. Very bloody stupid of me... and even more so for putting my (ex now) best mate in severe danger. Just out of curiostity, Whats your worst conviction? JK
  10. Why dont you all make up your own tyre placards then? Mines just chepo sticker that was made on a bubblejet printer by the looks of it. JK
  11. Id still be keen on one. Its going on a RB20 anyways... JK
  12. Its simple, Nissan got a bloody good deal on buying bulk raw iron, and as such has had a shitload in reserve for the past 2 decades, hence their choice to stick with the mighty iron block. JK
  13. Dont forget GTR manifolds dont have studs in them like the S15 ones, therefore youre going to have to either put studs into the turbos or use some massive wild bolt JK
  14. If you guys cant find anywhere local to get yours regassed or if its more expensive it would end up costing you $20 for postage for both ways to WA and I can sort them out for you. JK
  15. No idea. I presume they match them up accordingly. This guy picked my struts as being those identical to a 96 Maxima! JK
  16. Peeps, just thought Id put the word out to WA peoples (and eastern staters) that I found a place that can recon the A31 bonnet gas struts. Some struts cant be reconned but luckily the Cefi ones can. Gas Strut Re-Gas (WA) 1/ 53 Guthrie St Osborne Park WA 6017 ph: 0414 985 520 ph: (08) 9445 9119 $77 to recon both. $110 for new ones. JK
  17. Sold. Can I have your DD details please. JK
  18. Ive got a few spare Rear Suspension links for R32. $25ea + $9 post from Perth. Rear Cradle also available for $75 locally. JK
  19. My AQIS guy was like 50, I wouldnt have thought he'd be doing a Standstill in a car. JK
  20. I use a HKS mechanical guage that screws into my GREX spin on adaptor, and typically in the morning at first start up it will sit between 3 and 4 bar, and Ive since found after driving a small distance my oil pressure will go down to 1 Bar at idle. I now use this as a guide as to when my engine is upto temperature (not following the std water temp guage) as the oil pressure is lower at idle (oil hotter etc). Im using Mobil S 10w40 on an RB20. JK
  21. Yep. thats what I was thinking. The suspension is identical... how else could every other link be the same as S13 without this height issue. My guess is that you dont have helper springs. they will give you the 30mm you require. JK
  22. You posted the for sale - so you post a price. I have someone interested but f**ked if I can be arsed with 15 year olds using dads computer to sell car parts that arent his. JK
  23. Is anyone wanting to take one of these turbos? I'll grab one if someone else wants the other. Can u give us model specs? Ie is GTRS all the same trims even if there is one specifically for GTR? JK
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