an also yeah i will get a BOV.....probly HKS if ne1 has got 1 of them 2 suit R33 cbf gettin adaptor made or buying 1 seperate...jus want 2 get it an bolt it on
also when i get a replacement turbo...does ne1 know wat i will have 2 do besides bolt it will i need 2 strip the motor down an clean it all up???? thanx ppls help appreciated
so will this 1 b just as good as the stoker was..or will it b better/worse....if it is beta or jus as good then ill take it of ya hands so long as in VERY GOOD condition
k then ill get that done..but i dont understand how oil can get into the turbo on the compressor side if the turbo isnt f**ked.....thats wat i dont understand
personally with how it looks..i reakon its a turbo seal has its jus throwing all the oil up the pipes into the motor then the oil is burning an thats y it has so much smoke coming out....
no smoke under the oil cap......
no smoke newere exept im masses out of my exaust... an turbo is throwing LOTS an mean LOTS of oil straight up the intake pipe an into the motor.....i took the cap of were the BOV is meant 2 as i reved it it threw like u buket load of oil out of the hole....
does ne1 here know jus wat it would of been that caused this problem.....cause im thinking bout going round the dude i brought the car of's hause an breaking his legs...
ok then,
i have gone out 2 c the mess again this morning...... um i started it an put the foot down....the turbo spooled up an it blew whitey grey wat is me best answer as 2 wat 2 do now.....??? thanx guys
um nah only had the car 4 2 weeks..hacnt had chance 2 get it yeah soon as i touch the throttle it blowws LOTS of i mean dont wait secons then come out..its as soon as u touch the throttle i comes out....
um i was gonna try 2 drive it but soon as i gave it sum gas 2 get going it jus blew like so much smoke out i wasnt funny i figured i was best left off......
an i dont know if turbo is blown or gonn pull it off in the mornin an can ya tell by lookin at i think it is my turbo cause the cooler is filled with oil......