After a short conversation with Darren last night I thought I'd resurrect this thread.
My situation is this, I'm debt free and I have a not so insignificant amount of money going spare, at the moment it's sitting in an ING account.
So in real terms it's not doing anything, just keeping up with inflation, but at least it's not going backwards.
Frankly it's burning a hole in my pocket, I've toyed with the idea of blowing it on a car, but I really should put it to work.
Buying a first house is the obvious option, however, I'm pretty happy with my current life-style and have little interest in being a slave to my mortgage.
Another is the stock market, higher returns, far more liquid, but obviously a higher associated risk and the time/stress overheads of managing it.
Closely related to that is using a Managed Fund, less return (fees), hopefully slightly less risk, but much more of a "set and forget".
But coming back to real-estate, another option I hadn't considered, was buying a first home with no intention of moving in, but to rent it out, continuing to rent myself where I am currently. And I guess it was this strategy I was hoping to get you "Property Types" opinions on, but feel free to comment on any of the above, and/or other options open to me.
Oh and let me state, I'm fully aware of, and understand, that anything you say shouldn't be taken as "financial advise", "contact a professional", etc, etc.
Just hit me with your considered opinions please.
- Ash.