You can put me in the happy basket 10% too, although I'm a little bored right now, which is why I'm on here instead of working.
If you're thinking about engineering in Adelaide right now, I think you'd be mad not to study something that'll help you get in to the Defence Industry (incidently where my company's primary activities lay), esp. with big projects such as Air Warfare Destroyer coming online at ASC. They're going to be hiring like mad in a few years, and not just engineers, tradies too (sparkies/welders/etc).
Other than Software Eng, we primarily have Mechanical, Electrical, and Robotics (half Mech & Elec) Engineers, and they get to play with some pretty interesting stuff.
In fact, if you were REALLY to aim at the AWD project, how about studying Naval Architecture? That's if the Bee Keeping doen't pan out.