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Everything posted by Oosh

  1. Pffft... it'll increase induction noise, that's about it, the rest is cosmetic.If fuel economy is your concern, make sure your O2 sensor is tip-top, increase your tyre pressure, remove any superfluous weight, keep out of traffic light GP's, and drive economically.
  2. Forget pods, forget K&N (you might as well not have a filter), they're all a waste of time, effort and money for little to no gain. Make a cold-air-induction if you must, or just wind up the boost for a real improvement.
  3. Congrats mate to you and Carolyn!
  4. SVD rebadge is a damned good idea (provided there aren't any complications hiding in there).
  5. I'll attend, doubt I'll run up the car, but I'll have a bite to eat.
  6. Oh and I'll try and have a read through the documentation during the rest of the week, anything additional to that already linked to in this thread?
  7. We need to have a firm idea of just what we're offering sponsors, and getting a commensurate amount of $$$ or member benefits in return... Are the initial costs so high they couldn't be recouped via the first round of membership fees? I know this is highly dependent on number and fees. ...if they can cover it then holding off on sponsors until there's a membership base might be a good idea. An exception to this might be finding just the one (or two) understanding benefactors willing to kick something in at the start but not after something concrete in return.
  8. I've got one, hasn't been used in a year, there's link hidden under the DB25 connector that a lot of pewople forget about. But you can test it against mine if you wish.
  9. Look, I wasn't there, but it sounds to me like you simply went round the corner too quick and lost it. HICAS only moves +/-0.5 degrees, and as said just leaves you a bit of a "vague" feeling on the edge. It's not VTEC yo! and doesn't go about randomly and violently kicking in under normal operation.
  10. Mate used to tow his and his brother's dirt bikes behind his R32 with a homemade tow kit so if the humble RB20DET can do it the 25 will shit it in.
  11. Nah. So long as you're sensible it won't be on boost all the time and be A-OK. i.e. Don't tow too heavy and don't try and maintain freeway speeds with something like a furniture trailer (large area so lots of wind resistance).
  12. Thanks Madaz, spurred me on to do it, but why not just use the supscription link? http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...&CODE=index
  13. Ignore the bs and go straight to the bottom to the "reason for selling"... http://www.scan.co.uk/Products/ProductInfo...ProductID=92518 ...funny stuff.
  14. Not that you need verification were Cubes is concerned, but I'd agree with your figures, always have 10-15% of the bottle left over.
  15. It amounts to the same thing, some are just easier to separate than others, but they're all "coilovers".
  16. What's this talk of coil, non-coil, etc. Skyline suspension design is a coil over shock absorber type front and rear, stock standard or after market, that's all the same type.
  17. The govt should have their cars impounded for letting lawyers interfere in science and engineering problems, they're so afraid of the fact these systems aren't perfect (nothing ever is but nor does it need to be) they try to hide the mechanics of this shit behind layers of bureaucracy, instead of clearly explaining how this all works, where it can fall down, but also the checks and balances in place to pick up when and where it does... but most importantly doing it in plain english. Kalel's given you all lesson on the science, and I've worked closer to all this than I care to admit on a motoring forum, the above is tied up in politics and a general disrespect for intelligence of their voters. But at the end of the day you all know when you've been speeding, personally I've been done three times, and I was in the wrong each time. If you have a GENUINE doubt then pursue it like anything else, but if you KNOW you were speeding take your lumps and stop whining (this isn't directed at any one in particular I must stress), don't fight it coz it makes ratings for Today Tonight.
  18. This shit is getting WAY outta hand! Glad no one was hurt however, Sorry you went thru that, but what exactly does a burglar dress up as, this?
  19. Congrats, I guess Now that I think about I reckon I'm rolling up on 3 years with mine
  20. Hey they're a cool sportz wagon, but hardly apples v. apples when comparing to a Skyline.
  21. Hahaha, I was a Birdwood bogan today, and didn't all the ferals just love it when we went thumping past in the GTR (Torry) with XU1 bits and a Bathurst cam on board? Talk about lumpy, but never fear, I stayed true the 'line and got some picks of our heritage.
  22. And new pair of undies?Not cool, any of it... *sigh*
  23. Have a good one tomorrow people, keep it safe, I'd be there but I'm riding shotgun in a workmates LJ Torry in the Bay to Birdwood.
  24. Didn't want to let it slide off the front page, but any updates Cubes?
  25. There's only one choice, get some Bilsteins from SydneyKid, check the Group Buy forum.
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