Here's some pics of mine while i was putting it in, nothing revolutionary, it's a Horse Power In a Box item, came with Alloy piping all ready to roll, it does mount the cooler quite far forward and the piping on the LHS esp. sticks out a bit.
As for the hole, I bought a couple dollar hole cutter from Bunnings, and since it was made for wood destroyed it in the process but it did the job. Then i used a hammer to widen it, beating a lip over it at the same time, finsihed it with a bit of black spray paint on the exposed metal to stop corrosion. I then painted the top pipe black, and the ned pipes Blue to match the front bar, all up it looks pretty neat.
Edit: Oh and the front bar support was already chopped out, personally i wouldn't have bothered.
And i know it's wonky, these are the "in progress" shots, now it's my front bar that's a bit off, the cooler is plenty straight.