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Posts posted by Oosh

  1. More, in regard to electrical items, possibly irrelevant to SAU

    Importing, C-tick and A-tick

    The short answer about C-Ticks and A-ticks is that most electrical and electronic products that are placed on the Australian Market for use in the domestic, commercial and light industrial environments are required to be marked with the C-tick compliance mark to indicate that they comply with Australian Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Standards.  

    The onus for demonstrating compliance falls on suppliers, i.e. manufacturers, for products manufactured in Australia, and importers, for products manufactured overseas. The compliance process is by way of making a declaration, for each particular product to be placed on the Australian market, that it meets the applicable EMC standard. The declaration must be held by the supplier in a compliance folder for possible audit by the ACA. Along with the compliance mark the product must be marked to identify the suppler, i.e. with the supplier's ABN.

    There are three compliance levels depending on the level of risk the product poses of causing interference to other electrical of electronic products. At level 1 C-ticking is voluntary and testing is not mandatory, at level 2 a copy of a test report must be included in the compliance folder but it is not mandatory that the test report be obtained from an accredited test laboratory (test reports to equivalent European Standards are also accepted), while at level three it is mandatory to obtain a test report from an accredited laboratory (this may be overseas).

    It is an offence to supply a product to the Australian market without being C-tick marked, if the legislation requires that it be so marked. It is also an offence, of course, to fraudulently apply the C-tick mark.

    Full details of the EMC compliance arrangements may be found on the ACA's web site at http://www.aca.gov.au/standards/emc/emc.htm

    Because the offence provisions apply to suppliers, it is unlikely that the forum organisers are liable as a result of the use of the forums to sell non-compliant equipment. However, you should be aware that intentionally aiding the commission of a crime is an offence under the Commonwealth Criminal Code Act 1995.

  2. No new items was to encourage people to sponsor the site the others are a liability issue.

    As i said it might'd hurt to BASE rules/guidelines, they've been active for 5+yrs and have some experience, why reinvent the wheel?

    I've spoken to Baker who has pulled together most of the rules and he's fine with SAU using them and me reproducing them so long there's some SMALL amount of credit given if they are used, e.g. "Based on OCAU Trading Rules", just as a courtesy.

    Since we already have the first post:

    Site policies and rules

    Offering things for sale is permitted on an "occasional" basis by private individuals only, not vendors or professional traders (apart from OCAU Sponsors).  

    Edit Nov 03: This includes bulk sales of multiple items. A couple of fans etc for sale privately is allowed. Bulk sales for systems, laptops, major componants, phones is classified as commercial and will be deleted unless approved by Agg and you're a forum sponsor. There is also a trend to sell a couple of items then starting a new thread with more of the same. Expect these to be deleted. Link HERE  

    These policies are actively enforced:

    Selling firearms is Prohibited

    Selling alcohol is Prohibited

    Selling equipment/software circumventing a TPM

    No selling for Friends

    Selling OEM Software is Prohibited

    No feedback about members/vendors

    No selling of new goods

    No group buys (unless authorised by Agg)

    New items for sale may only be posted by persons or vendors  

    who are current OCAU advertisers or sponsors (List here)

    eBay/Sold/Other site links are not allowed.

    If you're selling goods elsewhere, please don't offer it for sale here.

    Selling of adult only content (including pornography, and anything else prohibited to minors) is not allowed, as the age of the purchaser cannot be determined.

    No selling Engineering Sample CPU's

    Selling items featuring chips/mod chips/modded consoles/backup games or similar items, is not allowed.

    Try to be considerate with the number of threads you have running. Do not open a new thread for each item. Obviously some items are better on their own, but, where possible list all items of a similar nature ie computer parts in one thread only.

    If you do have more than one thread running at one time try not to bump them all together so that you have a few on the first page, try to stagger the times for the bumps where possible.

    If an administrator edits out an item in your thread, or even if he/she fixes your links, please do not edit out their comments. They were made for a reason, and it's not your place to un-make them. Just leave them be.

    If you read here it is illegal to even own an Engineering Sample if you dont have a Intel NDA agreement.  

    "OWNERSHIP. All right, title and interest in the intellectual property embodied in the Pre-Release Product, Pre-Release Software and accompanying materials, if any, are owned by Intel or its suppliers and licensors and may be protected by copyright, trademark, patent and trade secret law and international treaties. Any rights, express or implied, in the intellectual property embodied in the foregoing, other than those specified in this Agreement, are reserved by Intel and its suppliers and licensors. Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute a license of all or any part of the Pre-Release Product or of any right to sell, make, or have made the Pre-Release Product. You will keep the Pre-Release Product free of liens, attachments, and other encumbrances. You agree not to remove any proprietary notices and/or any labels from the Pre-Release Product and accompanying materials, if any (including but not limited to the engineering sample label), without prior written approval by Intel.

    Selling firearms is prohibited:

    The sale of firearms and ammunition is prohibited because we cannot be certain that the legal requirements are being met.

    The following is an extract from the Federal Attorney-General's Guide on Firearms

    Who can sell or advertise firearms?

    Sales, including mail order sales of firearms, may only be conducted by or through licensed firearms dealers. Advertisement of firearms for sale will be prohibited unless the sale is to be conducted by or through a licensed gun dealer. Dealers will be required to ensure that purchasers are appropriately licensed, and record and maintain details (type, make, calibre, serial number) of each firearm purchased or sold against the identity (name, address, licence number) of the seller or the purchaser. Dealers will be required to provide records to licensing authorities. Commercial transport of ammunition in the same consignment with firearms will be prohibited. In remote areas where licensed gun dealers may not be readily available, special arrangements will be made to facilitate sales and purchases of firearms and ammunition.

    Selling equipment/software circumventing a TPM

    Recently the Copyright Act has been amended to incorporate provisions dealing with equipment or software whose primary purpose is to circumvent a Technical Prevention Measure (TPM). OCAU cannot risk allowing the trade of such software or devices, nor equipment in which they are an integral component. Consequently sales of such devices will be closed.

    Selling for others

    Selling on behalf of other people is not allowed under any circumstances. If they want to sell something they can sign up and observe the 90 day rule.

    Selling OEM Software

    Microsoft OEM, Licensing, Transfer Information for Selling, Using and re-selling Software.  

    Click here for a downloadable Microsoft Word Document with all the details you will need. This document has been approved by Microsoft for publishing.

    No selling of new goods

    Unless you are a site sponsor, you are currently not permitted to sell brand new items on these forums. Unused items are also considered to be brand new, as they have not been used, even if the box has been opened or the plastic wrap has been taken off. Sales of such items will be closed.

    eBay/Sold/Other site sales

    Links to auctions/sales on other sites such as eBay, Sold, etc are not permitted. If you are selling something, either sell it here, or don't talk about it here.

    Selling on Other Sites

    If you are selling something, either sell it here, or don't talk about it here.

  3. The reason is you're moving from one application (Vbulletin - the forum software) to another application (Photopost or whatever runs the new trading system).  

    The two applications use the same database or at least have a copy each of the authentication tables but at the moment they don't tell each other if you're logged in. You have to login to each application seperately.

    Thought it might be something like, makes sense, but it's not immediatley apparent and the error messages i came up against are VERY cryptic.

    I suggest this is made BLATENTLY obvious as i'm sure i'm not the first, nor will i be the last, to be confused by it.

  4. ...no vic ppl with r32's have the balls to get out on track  ;)
    I have some photos of Rowdy's R32 from Sandown, not sure if any are calendar worthy tho... the attached one is probably the best of the bunch but his front bar would need to be "air-brushed" slightly :D

    forgot about the year being from January to December :D

    looks like Ill have to wait till 2006...

    So whats happening with this Calendar anyway guys?

    Just make it an 18 month one, July '05 to Dec '06, get more cars in then as well.

  5. I waved him past me on first corner when i was half on the grass and trying to get back into 3rd gear while doing 60km/h. You can ask him if ya dont believe me :D

    He was in the 1.35's also most of the day like me.

    Where do we find the offical times on the net?

    Apparently he put down a 1.31 in the final session.

  6. Yeh it was a great day, it was great to get some sun:)

    LOL, highlight of the day was the last few laps with Gareth giving the R33s some curry drifting onto the straight each time. I was handling not being out there until i saw his R32 tearing it up:thumbsup:

    I'm spewing, i helped him bleed his brakes (for the third time) then headed home before the final session and missed it. I'd already turned a lovely shade of pink so hadda piss off before i went completely lobster!

    Good day though, and great turnout, on the non-Skyline front I'd have to say the Ferrari 355 going down main straight and sounding for all the world like a F1 was a big highlight.

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