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Posts posted by CNR33

  1. your choice but i'm telling ya there is no way you can go 12 months without losing a single point. you'll keep driving for a few months but eventually you'll get done.

    that's interesting. i drove that particular skyline for 3 years without racking up a single point. i know accidents happen, but if you're on your guard & don't drive like a tool its not impossible!

  2. Dam straight its a novelty item haha,

    whats my source?? a public webserver? HUH?

    oh and i got the screen cheap, my dad installs A.V. so i go through his wholesaler,

    and now im thinking i install a head unit/dvdplayer underneth a screen so i dont use the screen unless i wont to,

    im going to have a look tonight...

    alex, alex, alex what are you doing to my car??? haha. don't move the climate control unit, it'll look crap in the top corner. just mount it in the middle slot where my head unit was, and you could always put something else below it!

    welcome aboard anyway ;)

  3. Be careful incase the globe has gone like it has in my Evo. Might replace that tomorrow actually. Got a bit too close on the DECA trip in November as a result! :woot:

    my globe works, and unfortunately shows up quite often. i had a lot of consumption issues, so i got into the habbit of seeing almost exactly how many kms i was getting to each tank.

    pushed my luck one arvo, light was on, then realised i had about 30kms to the next petrol station, made it fine! (although there was barely enough fuel to power the light, let alone the engine)

    lesson learned!

    does everyone else's gauge drop in large increments? mine does basically 100kms, then drops exactly a quarter in one hit. doesn't make much different i guess.

    end ramble... :thumbsup:

  4. how did i miss this mate?

    i've been on jury duty the last few days, and missed my usual work/sau/work/sau routine!

    happy birthday mate! hope you had a brilliant day

    I think SAU should chip in & get alan the entire star wars saga on dvd, so he knows what we're all talking about!!

    Cheers buddy

  5. ok, finally got mine!!!! I realised I'd never have time to get there, so went the late postage option. (hmm probably should have done that in the first place)

    will post some pics up if i ever get them installed, big thanks again to Jetdat (and all others involved) for their hard work & time spent. much appreciated!!!

  6. I was really excited/nervous as i drove up to see her for the first time, kinda like goin on a blind date id imagine!

    haha, but if it was ugly you couldn't exactly do a runner!

    Very nice mate, welcome :D

  7. all of our carefully arranged leaves were severely reorganised in our back yard... damn you storm!!!!

    I'll be sure to post up some pics later :)

  8. So the Taxi drivers are striking because of the level of danger they are in while doing their job...

    Hmm perhaps cutting down on driving like absolute maniacs all day could be a step in the right direction!!!!

    Oh and they usually don't pick guys up late at night in the city, cus they might be trouble... but a psycho on springvale road that had just been hit by a car..... no worries.

    Good samaratin maybe, but I'd bet the farm that the meter was still running when that poor bugger got attacked!

    End rant.... took me an extra 40 mins to get home cus of the city traffic! :D

  9. how do you get TICKETS????????????????/

    Well last year I got tickets from their production manager who i was sitting next to on a flight to Qld, hmm 2 tickets... all i had to do was buy her a drink! :D

  10. I actually sat down and saw an episode of rove live


    p.s: man it's shit :D

    Oh come on, that brokeback mountain/batman skit was classic. I'm not usually that much of a fan, but was in stitches last night! :wave:

  11. ultimate advised today that covers should be finished by the end of the month..

    Hey Jetdat, thanks very much for all of your work on this, top operator!

    I was just curious, is the SAU group buy all going to be available roughly at the end of the month, or are they treating them as individual orders?

    I don't mind if mine is done first or last, but was wondering if they can ship them as each order is complete, as i doubt they'll put the finishing touches on 30 odd different orders on the last day. Either way, I'm sure it'll be worth the wait.

    Thanks again!

  12. Well done for pushing her as I was the same with my g/f to a certain extent however only you know if she is going to be the kind to get her licence by the end of year. By the end of the year is quite quick considering you dont mention if she has driven before/her age etc.

    I probably can't be overly constructive here due to lack of knowledge but she has to be focused. You have to ask yourself if she is the kind of girl who is going to be a driver, not all are and the last thing you want to do is push her into something that you may regret.

    It is difficult to explain on a forum when emotions are hard to convey but my only advice having been through this, is make sure she is the kind of girl who is going to be happy on the road. Some arent and there is nothing wrong with that. Not meant to sound harsh mate. :(

    Alan, when do Nic's manual lessons start? :P

    My instructor was like Obi Wan Kenobi. Dead ringer for him & very wise. Can't remember the name tho, but it was in greensborough. Stupid Driving Instructor Mind Tricks... :dry:

  13. This stupid female driver in a white toyota hatch, changed lanes on us with no headcheck, and no signals!!

    Granted that its not always a female drive, nor a white toyota, this happens to me about 4 times a day!


  14. I had a great set of Star Wars toys & and endless supply of lego growing up, including a kick arse lego train set.

    My entire Masters of the Universe set, complete with Castle Greyskull & Death Mountain (?) were sold by my parents for about $25. Gee... only worth a few hundred now... smart move! I was devestated. Completely ruined my 19th Birthday. >_< j/k

    Other than that, someone might be able to help me out on this. I can't remember what it was called, but it was like a cross between a bicycle & a playground spinning... thing...

    It was a round frame with a few wheels with handles on either side to move/steer. Great fun. Couldn't really travel more than about 25m without being absolutely knackered, but ideal for spinning in circles.

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