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Posts posted by CNR33

  1. Anyway, go with ACA, Tracy Grimshaw is hawt!

    You can be one of "Tracy's people"

    I had one in a parking garage in st kilda.

    Its like $3 an hour or $5 for the night. had about $4.95 in change on me, so I went the $3 option.

    Came back before my ticket expired, inserted another $3 (putting me over the total for the night) and thought it was sweet.

    Returned to my car at the end of the night to find an $88 fine with the "time of inspection" being 15 mins into the future with no inspector in site (oh and trust me, i went looking everywhere for him) and the time of offence was actually covered by both tickets!!!

    Safe to say, contested over the phone, ticket went away

    That being said, the only one that's worse than the Melbourne City Council is Maribyrnong... Col. Clink down there must be rolling in it!

  2. www.dashboardcentre.com.au or thedashboardcentre, give google a try. they're out in croydon.

    i had my 33 done there. they trade under the name of carbon fibre anything, and funnily enough, they can pretty much give anything a faux carbon fibre look.

    my dash looked crap with the peeling film and i'm very happy with the results.

  3. My motto, Imagine there is a clone of you on the road doing the same daft thing at the same time as you. Can be quite scary.

    That reminds me of an old saying:

    "Anyone driving slower than you is a moron, anyone driving faster is a maniac!"

    Things that frustrate me the most...

    1. Indic...something arathers... nobody seems to know what those flashing lights are when you intend to change lanes, merge or turn corners! Am I old fashioned by still using them? seems to be a forgotten art...

    2. People darting out from a side street, only to sit 20kms under the limit. If you're not in that much of a hurry, wait for me to pass you, as opposed to risking both of our lives.

    3. A bit of a continuation of 2, drivers who sit on saaaay... 50 in a 70 zone (now i understand that it could be a learner or a special circumstance, so i take that into consideration), then the zone changes to 60, and they speed up to 70!!!!!!!!! Drives me insane! :D

    4. Female drivers... (just kidding ladies) keep up the great work :)

    edit: while i think of it... just saw the post above & couldn't agree more.

    not targeting any nationality a'tall, but how come you can apply for a lisense in about 36,000 languages, but road signs and warnings are only in English.... anybody else see the potential for problems???

  4. Anyway,

    I have a philosophy in life.

    If there's nothing you can do about it, don't worry about it.

    So remember, anyone who runs down my son, fiance, mate or whatever because they are being stupid or irresponsible in their cars.... Well, there'll be nothing you can do about the sledgehammer which will be impaled in your skull, so don't worry about it :)

    I think you're spot on the money Pete.

    Nobody here is "anti P platers" we were all on them, some of us more recently than others. We're just anti-idiots. Most wouldn't care if you're in a 200rwkw car or a tarago, in the hands of an inexperienced driver, any car is dangerous.

    Its good to hear that you haven't had a ticket or an accident, we should all hope for that, but does your attitude change when you jump out of the skyline? Just because the golf isn't as powerful doesn't not mean it can't do damage. "Accidents" happen

  5. we(the aussies that is)played well...very proud of the way we play unlike the typical boring defensive game the italians display and are renowned for..

    i dont think italy will win the cup, given that they cant even put away a mediocre team like us convincingly, and i hope they get owned by a real super team of the world.

    italy didn't beat us, the ref did... :ermm: ah well, that's all part of it i guess.

    (oh while i'm on my anti-ref-rant and that red card was crap too!)

  6. *huges my 42" High Def Plasma and My Full Body Massage Chair for tonights game*

    does the chair come with a 'happy ending' function? or was that an addional cost? :D

  7. Ha ha, how did I know you wouldnt make it! :D You missed an excellent talk from Craig at J-Spec. Was superb and Snowy's photoshop efforts which have improved 10 fold over his paint days :thumbsup:

    Very disappointed with myself mate. Was keen to get to my first meeting in a while. I was lucky enough to help a mate lug the worlds heaviest oven down the worlds steepest flight of stairs after work too, ah well, next time!

  8. damn this is gonna suck for a lot of people

    correction... this is going to suck for a lot of idiots who don't deserve to be on the road

    that being said, i don't like the way that according to rules, to be a 'hoon' you must be generally under 25.

    driving to work of a day i get cut off see more close calls by 'experienced' older drivers than P plates. I know that there is a higher ration of fully lisensed drivers around, but i'm sure you'd agree.

    hoon = idiot , not import drivers/p platers, so if you do the right thing, don't stress >_<

  9. no its my girlfriend, i was logged in as her and posted it up under her logon by accident. the delete button wasnt there so i just left it.

    anyone else keen to come out as apposed to sitting on the computer all night? cmon

    Sure Paul.... you weren't stuck in "Weekend Mode" were you???

    Going to the Split Enz concert tonight, then no idea where after

  10. or possibly a hitman who is going to ring me and ask for my address! :)

    oops, I must have neglected to mention the run in I had with the The land of goat sphincter rings Mafia the last time I house sat for you! Apparently now, you owe them a 'favour' :P

    other than that, sorry, not me! but all the same, watch your back buddy! :)

  11. if your confident you won't be at fault in any accident.......

    errr... that's why they call them accidents. I don't think you can really be confident that you're never going to crash. I've seen excellent drivers have terrible accidents.

    I bought my GTS when i was 20. Went 3rd party with Just Cars for the first 12 months. Then someone hit me. Their insurance covered it, but it made me think how easily it could have happened and how much i didn't want to be left with nothing after an accident.

    Went full comp after that and it helps me sleep a bit better. Also, the premium came down substantially in those 12 months.

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