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Posts posted by CNR33

  1. My radio wakes me up at 6:10 each morning, but the idea of Hughsey's voice being the first thing I hear is like fingernails on a blackboard....

    ... oh and i've boycotted Hughesy, Kate & Dave primarily because Kate named her child Lewis Lewis... :blink:

    Congrats anyway Pete! :blink:

  2. I've done the same to my dash, love the result, opposed to the crappy peeling black rubbish.

    I paid $300, but did all the prep work myself, must say, for the extra $$$ you get your money's worth!!! Bitch of a job!! <_< Gives the car a nice edge and draws lots of compliments.

    Post up some pics later

  3. i hope that wasnt snowman that just bought a 320km/h speedo for $1k on ebay. ID was "snowy" and them some numbers. lol

    hey some people buy mobiles for their baby's crib, why not a speedo?? :)

    congratulations guys, that's brilliant news, hope you're all doing well!!!!


  4. If you've been hit from behind, it always their fault.

    I'd go with the letter of demand, and tell him you're willing to take him to court.

    If he can't afford insurance, he shouldn't be on the road.

    Someone recently mentioned that there is a law somewhere that you can't renew your car rego unless you present a current insurance policy. I think they should bring that in here - would save so many headaches!

  5. The only mods that I would look at is exhaust & rims.

    I've heard/said that before! :lol:

    Go for it mate, if its your dream car, then why not. Your Mrs approves, so you don't want to go against her do you??

    They are a lot of fun and a great hobby if you treat them well.

    Shop around a bit and see what tickles your fancy.

    Good luck!

  6. I'll even keep my pants on.

    "I'd like to believe that this time, I really would"

    haha :lol:

    We go shooting/camping at a friends property in a place called Hay (NSW). About 5 hours from everywhere. Awesome to have a bit of a break from the big smoke.

    They have a bit of a saying on the drive there, it doesn't matter if you fall asleep behind the wheel, you'll run out of petrol before you hit anything...

  7. Lygon St for an evening Italian meal

    China town for a Chinese meal... :lol:

    I think this is a great idea Alan, could also incorporate some of inark's eating recommendations.

    I'll have a think about a few options. The only major attraction near my place is the EPA test station, although there are some nice parks in the vicinity, could make a day out of being defected!

  8. Well thankyou to those who have been positive in giving me options, sounds like the guards n stuff r going to be too expensive, so i should just look for another kit..... as for those who were not so positive, im not even gonna bother saying.... ps. I think the HKS GT RS turbo looks good, pricey but good!

    One more thing..... I dont remember ever saying anything about putting GTR badges on my GTST....... Funny how idiots ramble off into the sunset about their on speculations... ^_^

    ...yet your profile clearly states you drive a GTR??? ;)

    I'll agree with the others above that yeah it can be done, and the widebody does look a damn sight better (on a genuine GTR), but i wouldn't go to all that trouble when you could just buy one and save yourself a lot of hassles and having your car off the road for months.

  9. I see the reputation of skyline owners being  immature tossers still stands... All i wanted to know was if i could fit peices to my car to blend the kit cause its a really nice kit and I dont want to pay out for another. All this badge shit u r goin on about.... ffs, im not trying to fake a gtr, im trying to find out my options so i can keep the kit you twits! Jesus! 

                                                (Thankyou to those who were positive and helpfu, appreciated)l

    You can't really blame people for their response to "R33 Gtst To Gtr Lookalike" ... leaves the door wide open for comments.

    Why don't you leave us immature tossers to our forums till you work out what you want out of your 'generic car'

  10. yeah yeah thats right just back each others shit comebacks up.... turds

    Of course we're going to back each other up. Its a friendly club where people socialise and chat about a common interest.

    The whole time i've been reading these boards, i've found that you can have pretty much any opinion you want and people will respect it, as long as you respect theirs, and i've come to learn a lot.

    I may not love every feature on everyone's cars, i don't have to, we may do mods that will get us in crap with the police, but its our choice and we forefit the right to whinge about it.

    I think your recent posts and the fact that you were defected 8 times in 12 months is a fair indication that you may want to change your attitude or take your posts elsewhere.

  11. Listen here keyboard jockey

    --Firstly lets get one thing straight; Keyboard jockey my ass. If anything you look like a jockey so why dont u keep ur stinkin trap shut.

    Ash, get your facts straight mate, he's not a keyboard jockey... if you rationally listen to what he says, you'll realise that in fact he's a knob jockey.... big difference :P

    ctjet, find a new forum, pretty obvious that nobody is interested in the abusive crap you're talking

    oh & for the record, i had a loud exhaust, never once got pulled over and of the 30 odd booze buses i drove through, i think i got tested all of about 3 times.

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