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Everything posted by benl1981

  1. Well Ill try the ghetto boost mod to ensure the wastegate isnt creeping open (drill out the holes slightly). 3000rpm is pretty damn good to have full boost!!! It looks like Im getting about 9psi by 3800rpm in 2nd. Running a bit rich and probably not optimum ignition timing so maybe I could get thatdown to 3500rpm..
  2. Also got this part
  3. Was it always that responsive? Or did the tune help? How about boost control?
  4. I think it is out of an R32gtr . $20 Sydney pickup otherwise about 10-15 postage
  5. Maybe you have a oil line restriction. You should take it somewhere to get it checked.
  6. Thanks Dave. 250rwkw - bit of a monster hey! Is your turbo a GCG? Just looking at old videos of my car accelerating in 2nd. Used to get 8psi by 3000rpm. In 2nd I reckon it's more like 8psi by 3800rpm now... It has lost some of the crispness at low revs. I guess once its tuned when you want to hit it it will go hard, but for the street I reckon that little stock turbo was pretty fine.
  7. Look for "OP6" printed on the exh housing. They are the ones you want. Anyone help with my query? cheers
  8. Zoom - Are you stilll around? I just got my VG30 highflow BB and it isn't too bad on lag, but quite a lot less responsive to stock. I haven't had a tune yet so all the AFR's could be out the window, since I have fitted a Z32 afm and just made some corrections. Zoom - Did you get a bit more response from your VG30 highflow after tuning? Or was the difference still about 400-500rpm. It builds boost a lot slower now. You have to be above 3000rpm to get some decent acceleration now. Whereas before from just over 2500rpm in 2nd would be fun. It has an awesome top end, though Im still only running 9-10psi. Can't wait for injectors and tune..hopefully running about 17psi. Hope I've made the right decision since I'm only aiming for about 230-240rwkw. Will the VG30 Hi-flow make that target easier (maybe with less boost) than the rb25 hi-flow?
  9. something wrong with either your sensor or data logger? If it is siting normal on the gauge then Iwould check the temp with something else before jumping to conclusions.
  10. looks more like an R34 one I think. Well the pickup attachement does anyway. Should do the trick for you.
  11. didnt get the noise then - maybe all the extra air has come out. Birnie. I think it supplies lower voltage to the fuel pump at idle..
  12. hope the clutch holds up . Yeah Ill do the injectors soon. Also got the new fuel pump to go in (GTR). Hope it's quieter than the one in there. For some reason my car doesnt seem to have the dual stage - so at idle it isn't any quieter that when the revs go up. All the wiring looks stock though.
  13. Turbo is all on. Runs well - no surge. No leaks or anything - the only thing is as soon as you shut off the car and put your head near the turbo you can hear sort of air or water moving. Can anybody else hear this. I didnt notice with the last turbo but I may not have paid that much attention. From 4000-7000rpm is really strong. I'm only running about 9psi though. Slightly laggier but not much. Might be good for traction as it doen't seem to snap on boost quite as sharply as stock turbo. Running without a tune so really rich. Maybe with some tuning and more boost it will be good
  14. Dont buy genuine unless they are less than $30 per boot. I got some good universal ones from here. Other driveshaft places could hook you up with good ones http://www.turnerdriveshafts.com.au/
  15. Been busy on the weekend. Got oil out the drain so all is good. Just got to bolt up exhaust and test. Then do the injectors and tune Wanted to do one step at a time so I can identify cause of problem if any. Very slow process!! mainly all due to turbo issues. Will test it tonight to see that the turbo runs ok and no surge..better not or ill spew!
  16. mate I did that - but you are still pumping fuel. If you pull the injector plug aswell = No fuel
  17. thanks had to crank for about 2 lots of 15 sec. found the injector plug too. great
  18. thanks bhdave - So you think my gasket should still have the orect pressure on it? I was going to undo the bangos then tighten the manifold nuts p first but its a bit of a hassle since the tabs have already been knocked back etc. Will try a longer crank Thanks- yeah no issues before with oil supply PS - anyone know which fuse does the injetors or fuel pump - so i dont have to be cranking fuel fo that time
  19. just serching to find the answer to my question abut priming the turbo. I've cranked for about 30 seconds in total and still no oil at turbo inlet - should I just keep goig and see if it gets there. Anyone else hd this problem? thanks
  20. Also - does anyone see a problem with bolting up the oil and water inlet first then tightening the turbo to manifold nuts?
  21. ive had a closer look it may have been there before from product that the stud remover bloke used. Main problem - NO oil to turbo I have taken the oil inlet banjo off and when I crank the engine there is no oil coming out. This is with the CAS disconnected. Maybe there isn't enough pressure built to get oil to the turbo? Anyone triied this? GCG recomend to check there is oil cooming fro the drain by cranking the engine but not staring it. However the oil inlet to turbo is quite high so some pressure would ben needed to get it up there
  22. Hey mate - I cant tell if its oil or fuel..
  23. Hi there, Just fitting up my new GCG bolt on turbo and I am at the stage of cranking the engine to check there is oil coming out of the drain. I have filled up with over 4L of oil and disconnected the CAS and have cranked for about 3 lots of 5 seconds each and there is not really much oil coming out of the drain (maybe not any!). The manifold appears to be wet with either oil or fuel running down probably originating from the turbo. I have a new gasket and torqued up the nuts turbo to manifold. The only thing I can think of is that I torqued up the top oil and water lines first before these nuts. I didnt think this would interfere with getting the right torque on the turbo nuts and clamping the gasket. So I have 2 seperate issues: 1. No oil coming out of the drain 2. Appears to be fluid running down from turbo on the underside of manifold. Anyone else had these issues? Thanks
  24. What FATGTSR is saying. Toyota had a similar TVIS system on the 4AGE and I think the 3SGE. At low engine speed (below 4400rpm) I think 4 ports were closed to increase gas velocity into enigne. People removed it but actually found they lost low down power and gained nothing up high.
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