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Everything posted by Mavric

  1. that isnt a Cima is it???
  2. geee NI those are the old days when u going to come and remember some of those days??? Pay a membership and hit the road with us???
  3. Top pics brenton only ones of the Banana
  4. Ok kev on 2 wheels im there!!!!!
  5. Some pics from the weekend
  6. kept us busy for a lil while but worth it in the end it's a great look all the cars on the dock
  7. Tops james they look NUTS!!! Massive improvement to the car... Good choice.
  8. All the best Geoff and Nelly.. Hope you guys have an easy move up North and all works well.. We'll keep in touch and when you come back to melb we'll catch up..
  9. What an awesome weekend.... First of all HUGE thanx to paul for letting me Drive his car all weekend... Got mine home in one piece so now to work out whats wrong ... Huge thanx to all that came over the past 2 days without you guys the event would not have been anywhere near as much fun and i had a blast... Hope everyone enjoyed themselves over the weekend and cant wait to see everyones photo's.
  10. Hey tim, Have you tried rays suggestion??? Hes not jk like you may think.. alot of the ecu triggest are connected through door lights etc.. Give it a shot and if it doesn't work post up and someone may have another solution for you
  11. Ok i just had my car cleared through the EPA... want a Hint on what to do... Make it stock no pod, keep your cooler and u pass simple Cas trust me... If your car has a mod they will ask you to remove it, IF it's a emissions related if u have a 12inch momo non padded center steering wheel they dont care it's not their problem... Might save a lot of pointless trips for some.....
  12. Happy Birthday mate. Hope you have a tops day.....
  13. Of course you are welcome to run any car you like or what ever can get tied onto the rollers and move
  14. When: Saturday, 24th March 2007 Time: 10:00am – 4pm Where: RE Customs, 16 Yiannis Court, Springvale - www.recustoms.com.au Cost: Members Price - $35, 3 Dyno Runs and Graph Print Outs. Non Members Price - $50, 3 Dyno Runs and Graph Print Outs. A BBQ lunch is free for existing and new members. SAU-VIC along with RE Customs invites you to our annual SAU BBQ Renewal and a Dyno Day. The day will kick off from 10am at Re Customs as the Dyno fires up… It will be a great day for new members to come down for a meet and greet and if you wish give your car a blast on the Dyno. This year holds some exciting new events for SAU that you don’t want to miss out on, so come down renew your membership or sign up if you are new to the club as this will be a year jam packed with SAU Events and social meets you don’t want to miss out on. We will fire up the BBQ at 11am and offer a free feed to existing and new members and as always the infamous Wang Burgers… Everyone will receive a special gift to thank all new and existing members for coming down and renewing their membership… Their will also be a door prize. We will be updating membership cards with a new expiry date, and if members want a new membership card or replace a lost/stolen card they can be purchased for $5. Also at this Event we will have plenty of fun off the Dyno as well!!! This will include prizes and great entertainment for SAU Vic Members during the day - so don't miss out!!! Hope to see you all there…..
  15. Guys i have needed to change the date for this event to the Sunday please all take note... Cheers
  16. Nice work dude... Good to see a modification makes a difference
  17. LOL i cant believe i missed all this.... hilarious.... Don't know if the banana is ready for PI yet
  18. Mavric

    A Big Hole

    damn u got that right it's a very very big hole
  19. Hey jackie happy Birthday.. Have a good one
  20. Yea it's mounting is the same as any other bar ... Have sold no more that 5 i think still a very rare purchase
  21. Here are a few pics from the S2 sorry the bar doesn't appear to fit right the cooler pipes were in the way along with the rego which need to be slightly modified on both the S1 and S2... Once fitted up it will be a perfect fit as size of the car is the same.
  22. Too true Hence looking at leaving early.... Another thing is staying till later in the day too so all the traffic takes off.. Should be a little better with the new roads towards geelong thought with any luck... Will certainly try and come say hi though...
  23. You get a grand stand seat priority parking and thats about it... Good if u go for a few days as its hard standing all day and carrying a chair.. Never been Gold Class although i have considered it....
  24. This is a tops day guys i have been to the past 3 (over 6 years) and haven't been disappointed once
  25. When: Sunday, 25th March 2007 Time: Meet at 08:30am Where: STI Docklands Cost: General Admission: Adult (15 years and over): $45.00 Well the Airshow has come back around again and i will attending and thought id ask if anyone wanted to come with. The Airshow Runs from the 20th - the 25th. The Avalon Airshow has been running for some years now which displays some of the worlds best Military aircraft along with airliners and civil aircrafts putting on a public display. I'm contemplating going on both the Friday night and the Saturday... If people could express their interest to this event we can organize to get tickets or purchase them on the day.. I will Hold a mini Cruise from STI Docklands, On the Sunday Morning we will leave there at 9am Sharp so arrive at around 830am. This is an open event and anyone can attend. We will cruise from there onto the Westgate and down to Avalon. "Avalon Airport is located on Princes Freeway between Melbourne and Geelong; it is approximately 55kms from the Melbourne CBD and 18kms from the centre of Geelong." Personally i feel getting tickets in advance is a lot easier.. This is also a great family event... We have 2 Options in regards to the way we can attend the Airshow. General Admission: - If we can get a group of 20 people we can get a 10% Discount just something to keep in mind. Prices: Adult (15 years and over): $45.00 Child (Aged 5-14 years): $22.50 Family (2 adults + 2 children): $95.00 Family (2 adults + 3 children): $105.00 Family (2 adults + 4 children): $115.00 Car Parking (per day, payable on the day): $10.00 The other option is going Gold Class: (These tickets are Expensive and more just letting people know that the option is there) Prices: One Day (per person): $150.00 Two Day Package (per person): $285.00 Three Day Package (per person): $420.00
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