When: Saturday, 24th March 2007
Time: 10:00am – 4pm
Where: RE Customs, 16 Yiannis Court, Springvale - www.recustoms.com.au
Cost: Members Price - $35, 3 Dyno Runs and Graph Print Outs.
Non Members Price - $50, 3 Dyno Runs and Graph Print Outs.
A BBQ lunch is free for existing and new members.
SAU-VIC along with RE Customs invites you to our annual SAU BBQ Renewal and a Dyno Day.
The day will kick off from 10am at Re Customs as the Dyno fires up… It will be a great day for new members to come down for a meet and greet and if you wish give your car a blast on the Dyno.
This year holds some exciting new events for SAU that you don’t want to miss out on, so come down renew your membership or sign up if you are new to the club as this will be a year jam packed with SAU Events and social meets you don’t want to miss out on.
We will fire up the BBQ at 11am and offer a free feed to existing and new members and as always the infamous Wang Burgers…
Everyone will receive a special gift to thank all new and existing members for coming down and renewing their membership… Their will also be a door prize.
We will be updating membership cards with a new expiry date, and if members want a new membership card or replace a lost/stolen card they can be purchased for $5.
Also at this Event we will have plenty of fun off the Dyno as well!!! This will include prizes and great entertainment for SAU Vic Members during the day - so don't miss out!!!
Hope to see you all there…..