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Everything posted by Mavric

  1. doesn't look to bad at all
  2. I'll put one on my car but my luck a cop will book me for impaired vision or something.
  3. different
  4. i got pulled over in nov the officer spent an hour under my bonnet and i got my epa letter about 2 weeks ago... yay for quick processing .... hate to say it but id be tipping you will get a letter..... I also had photo's taken of my car too....
  5. LOL top work Dezz thats kick ass!!!!! and chris i do agree with all of that... the affects of one or 2 so to speak police officers do affect the attitude on the entire police force. I know this feeling and have to myself sometimes fight the urge to hate cops...
  6. Sounds like a great idea the biggest problem with the media is trusting them to show an honest view of who we are and what we do... Last thing we need is to have the media turn the whole things against us.. Or am i looking at this in a negative way???
  7. Dude this is the biggest problem...If the media looked at a different way not attacking but a shining a bright light into their eyes as to what the other problems they are causing anyone would hope they would wake up to themselves. (possibly asking a lot) Its not only causing problems for us to drive our cars but also exactly the value will drop as no one wants them along with the $$ we'll need to spend to get them clear of defects epa's etc for small things that would have never been picked but due to these people attitudes police will just crack down hard and pick anything and everything which is a shame..
  8. I don't honestly think that selling our cars is a solution... But i do agree with rod in the drivers maturity and mentality behind the wheel is where it all counts... I have been pulled over by plenty of police and all of them have treated me extremely well and never caused me any problems besides the one defect i was issued. All being "random checks" Been through numerous breath stations and sure they have a look at my tires see them as good as brand new and let me be on my way... You only have to look at the mentality of those breaking into blockbuster and doing burnouts at noble macas to spot the difference.
  9. Troy i have been thinking of something along these lines for along time espec when i was on my P's as well.. Its a way of letting the police know that you are not a hoon and respected for driving the car... Would be interesting if there was a way we could suggest something of this nature to the police as a way to help them attack the problem as well..
  10. Yea all i can say is im glad my car is off the road at the moment getting a few things done to it because i happen to live right around the corner from noble maccas.. Before anyone asks no i wasn't there on Friday... And i can tell you the police presence in my area is a lot greater than what it ever use to be... i see a TMU car a lot and if i go anywhere near maccas i saw a cop or a cop motor bike in the area... But i totally agree with adz in saying if you have an sau sticker on your car the police will take notice of this and pull you over and paint a picture of the club being "hoons" so to speak due to you being there!!!! Also think one of the worst things which is also going to add to the problem is the media referring to the whole event as "hoons" again if you have a nice car and don't abuse it on the street everyone will just think bet he was there on Friday night.... I also am not convinced that come Friday this will not happen again along possibly with things getting worse. Which is disappointing.
  11. faxing chris dont break my car again
  12. That sounds like a top idea obvious joke as completely unpractical. Its a shame staffing numbers are down but also good to hear the police side of the whole event... From the outside reading forums and seeing video's its hard to not criticizes the police for their appearance to lack any action, but in saying that you have a point as it would be hard to control number thats large late at night. Its a shame it got to where it did especially after a few of us had a say to some of the noble guys on their forums expressing our views on how pathetic their actions were. We tried to encourage them to take it off the street for the sanity of all of us only to get a reply of why we enjoy hanging out there blah blah..... Unfortunately saw an event not expecting that size to eventually take place. Just hope that from all the video footage around let alone the security cameras at blockbuster and maccas people are brought to some kind of justice for their actions.
  13. I do agree chris yea maccas car park is apart of growing up but chilling out talking shit is way different to ripping it up in the middle of the car park/road to then causing riots... God help me next time i get hungry and go to my local maccas "noble" i'll get arrested for driv
  14. I totally agree ash i get pulled over for cruising around the streets and these ******* do this and the cops don't come down hard.. Pathetic!!!
  15. Rub it in!!!
  16. WOOHOOO i fit standard
  18. looks nuts but it has a dint in it
  19. Can we organise to have a confirmed price for the buss and tickets.... is it still 80 bucks???? Also should we arrange to have deposits transfered to sau account so we can book a bus or just worry about it later????
  20. I accept Events nomination
  21. Keen on all parts... PM and Email sent...
  22. Back to the top so people dont forget its on
  23. lol at how james was remembered !!!!!!!!!
  24. Like i said west happy to do what ever to help out.. events motorsport assistant.
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