Dude im sorry i dont agree with this one little bit.... have u ever played Doom or SOF or GTA??? Did u then walk out the door and wanna smash someone’s side window pull them out of the car, kill them then run from the cops??? Then put in a cheat so u get away with it... come on man it's a game and if people cant distinguish between a game and reality then they have other issues that need to be taken very seriously and shouldn’t have been issued a licence to begin with.
This is a big topic that is as good as Australia wide we have similar problems in Melb and the best way I feel we can do anything about it is to stick together as a club and do things like what Merlin did and email people write letters and voice our opinion to the correct people in a diplomatic way and our voices might get heard… Have a read of the Current Auto Salon Magazine if you get a chance before 28th of Feb and read the article about this current issue and if you agree with it’s views sign the partition and send it to the government they are now actually asking for our opinion Be heard and the ASM article is a very simple way of doing this…