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Everything posted by APA

  1. where did everyone go?
  2. i was wondering though why there was no representation of xspeed/works or speedworks there? adrian
  3. i am in love with all the cars c-red had on display, absolutely stunning and all good quality! but i have a soft spot for s15's! and i wanted to make love to that replica s15 drift car! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm why can't i be the managing director of c-red dammit! adrian
  4. oops? wats up shuto? adrian
  5. ahhhhh shuto was that you that was waving? all i saw was this hand sticking out pauls window heheheh! is it aidwin or edwin? adrian hows niz's car now? was i right in saying all that needed to be adjusted was the spring tension of BOV?
  6. hahahaa first post of the day and it's page ownage! damn straight! adrian
  7. sup everyone? anyone know who ended up getting king of auto salon? adrian
  8. very interested in alarm you got pics? if i take it to any alarm shop will they be able to install it? cheers adrian [email protected]
  9. bib? nah i got over that yesterday! lol adrian
  10. hahaha yep but i think after today, they won't let me in without a bucket and bib! lol adrian
  11. fun doesn't even some it up, lol although not as much cars as i would of thought! i think i left drool everwhere i walked lol! msg me tommorow or call me when u get there! coz i'l be there bright and early! adrian
  12. sup i just came home f5rom auto salon! and i'll be back there tommorow! within first five mins of walking in there today i already got a happy snap witht the two promo gurls from midnight club II stand with the m sports 180sx that's up for grabs! oooooooooooooooh yeah! paul wat time u going tommrow? adrian
  13. hellllllllo, whoring gonna be quite tonight eh? adrian
  14. dark i believe it's time to shut up one word posts are gay! adrian
  15. i'm back car all clean an interior looking a bit more blue! it looks alright, normally i don't trust myself when it come to DIY but i must admit there is some little scuffin on the drivers panel so i might have to redo that one another day! as for the passenger and seat belt thingos they came up beautiful! adrian I"M OFF TO THE GYM NOW CATCHA LATER DUDES!
  16. i'm back car all clean an interior looking a bit more blue! it looks alright, normally i don't trust myself when it come to DIY but i must admit there is some little scuffin on the drivers panel so i might have to redo that one another day! as for the passenger and seat belt thingos they came up beautiful! adrian I"M OFF TO THE GYM NO CATCHA LATER DUDES!
  17. cam, me no likey the idea of truck cores? sounds like somethin a vl turbo owner would do! or sumone who turboes a ford or sumfin lol but i spose ur getting it for free! anyways back to washing me car be back later! adrian:p
  18. i'll be gone for a while dudes! giving the line a nice wash! while my newly painted parts dry! adrian
  19. l8rs paulie! have a good one at the rally probably see you sunday! adrian
  20. dark aren't u over east? adrian:p
  21. not by the package insturctions! allow at least 5 mins to dry b4 appllying new coat, after final coat leave to dry for at least half an hour! (for best rresults 2-4 days) adrian:p
  22. yeah i just put the second layer of clear coat on wait another ten mins then i shall put the last layer on and let it dry till bout 3.00 then she's all good to roll! adrian
  23. i am waiting for the clear coat to dry then it's all ready to go ! adrian
  24. troy you still busting balls about the EBC! hahahaha amek em hurt thata boy! afternoon mack daddy! how r ya? adrian
  25. paul u drink driving? not cool buddy hehehehee adrian
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