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hey just wantd to add my words in here
if yall take a look at urselfs, your acting like little kids! (ooh i haven't blown an engine up, i must be doing a better job than you) this is nonsense guys come on! we are all here to enjoy, and talk about skylines and other various things? sure all you tuners ae on board here and a lil rivalry is allowed but don't turn it into an all out slug fest coz of some noodle (XRW) let him say wat he wants! don't go down to the lows he has? i persoanlly think each of the tuners on here steve,jash,lumpy, the guys from speedworks are great, i haven't met you all, hope i do soon but i have heard nuthin but good words about all of you! sure the occassional mishap happens? who really gives a ****? thats where you learn from your mistakes? succedding in everything first time doesn't make u the best! the best are normally the people who failed first time, but learnt from that! so come on guys i am getting a bit sick of this bullshit, dunno bout yous but i'm on here to share thoughts, and help eachother out and most of all have some fun! lets keep it that way hey?
p.s i understand if you ignore this as most of you are double my age