paul u sought of got it
but in stead of nerd it was geek!
postwhore pimp come on down
coz the price is right!
dum de dum de dum
skyzerr what do u find in star wars that makes u get all horny?
nah can't start the long weeekend yet
still got work tonight!
unless i can sleep through that!
but then the chickens would burn!
what magic words skyzer? animals? please? paul likes boyz?
Morning, Whores
yes i'm a bad boy missed out tafe today
coz i was tired
funny thing is i just woke up! exatcly when class was suppose to finish if i actually went lol! coincidence?
nah hehehe ah well off to the gym again later on!
nah i haven't heard ur sought of new hiflowed exhaust
i wanna hear it!
is it really loud or what?
yeah i want trial side skirts
forget how much they cost though
oh well?
yeah troo dat
well maybe
also i want a louder sound lol!
okay okayi admit then but hey i love the sound of a nice turbo exhaust!
saw some nice sideskirts at works ages ago
gotta go check if they still there!
i think they were trial side skirts
had a lil vent in em looked awesome!
was same old!
same rush of like 5million people
5 mins b4 we close, adrian gets angry, adrian gets over it, adrian cleans up tada finished