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Everything posted by APA

  1. guess what kids, i bought a tramampoline lisa what instrument do u play again, oohhh a saxamaphone :uh-huh: adrian
  2. this is :bs!: where is everyone, please don't tell me at SR racing opening adrian
  3. okay i'm whoring by myself, lets see how far i can get this is really poor but who gives a shit adrian
  4. dan that little emoticon looks like a lil pokemon hahahaa gotta catch em ell, pikachu :thumbdwn: adrian
  5. ello,ello,ello any wee lil fellas round 'ere? :headspin: adrian :run:
  6. or even a gtr fuel pump should do the trick i would guess adrian
  7. :wassup: niz, a bosch 040 or is it 044 i can't remember, but anyways that will definately do the trick for your fuel pump woes i am pretty sure :headspin: :Bang: adrian :run:
  8. yeah congrats paulie and niz!!!!!!! adrian no back to my running dude :run:
  9. hi dee ho neighbourino's :bonk: anybody around? adrian
  10. hellllllllo anyone around? adrian
  11. here, here i woould also like to help anywways possible adrian
  12. bam i see your lurking !!!!!!!!!! :run: adrian
  13. meeting was great guys very constructive, and i'm sure the start of bigger and better things adrian
  14. simpsons is on now! adrian
  15. ha-llo, my name is mr burns, i believe you have some mail for me mr burns wats your first name "erm, i doon't knoow" adrian
  16. phew ur back i can stop running man i tells ya this guy runs foreva :run: heheheh adrian
  17. awwwwwwww everyone has gone now :run: i'll just keep running with this dude adrian
  18. work dammit :pissed: :wassup: anyone still around? :run: <---- this guy is cool adrian:p
  19. :drools: dammit hopefully it works this time adrian
  20. daaaaah paulie, travels on the special bus wif me :drool: adrian
  21. oooooh so it's supercharged then ay interesting. i was thinking of t88'ing my ass :shake: adrian
  22. DISCLAIMER: i do know how to spell my name, i just had a misunderstanding with the keyboard last post adrian
  23. ooooooh dan please tell me ur not gonna put those hks supre racing stickers on your car? and i'm intrigued that u had a actuator in your ass? hmms never heard of a ass that generates boost you must have some explosive toilet times ".5 60ft" 1.5 secs ass to toilet bowl? :bahaha: adruabn
  24. ahhh so genuine hks actuator then dan? pauly, got the knack to rebuild your engine then hey adrian
  25. okay then noone wants bubble tea hehe "ralph, have you been eating the glue again" with glue stick in his mouth " No, miss hoover" adrian
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