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Everything posted by APA

  1. why exactly is dan changing his actuator again? is his old one phucked? or just want more stable boost? adrian
  2. haha dan ate all your crayons hey? well just use some oil pastel's or they gone too? and remember just stick the actuator back on with clag glue, as long as you haven't eaten that too hehe ralph from simpsons "umm, excuse me Miss Hoover, i ate all my glue":bahaha: adrian
  3. yeah store manager not much of a store manager today anyways thats enough about work back to choosing colours for dans super cool actuator hmmmmmmmmmz wat about bright orange? then u could say ur turbo is so powerful it makes the actuator glo bright orange adrian
  4. l8r sileighty aidwin, yeah cool and trendy is tha bubble tea way niz. you missed out tha valuable ingredient of bubble tea glass jelly of Sago Balls ( no they ain't chocolate and they ain't salty) adrian
  5. hahah paulie the staff that didn't show up was the store manager! how stupid is that niz, i know deep down inside u love ur bubbly tea dan, nah textas won't do ya gotta use old skool stuff boi! like crayola crayons and Colouring In Pencils adrian
  6. omg aidwin, they don't know what bubble tea is? are you guys dead serious? adrian
  7. angry adrian ain't ever coming back again, for fear of paulie pulling the moves painting an actuator? hehehe just don't paint it with liquid paper like the one on riaz's new 33 adrian:p
  8. huh paulie? agreeing with u aint cool? okay then i take back my comments:shake: adrian
  9. anyone up for bubble tea tonight? angry adrian on yeah, i was pissed this morning, opening the whole shop takes about 2 hours, i had ten mins lol ontop of that calling the staff who were suppose to be in there at 9am to ask where the phuck are ya angry adrian off adrian
  10. dan, a mate of mine has the s15 veilside kit in that electric blue colour and you think it looks good in picture, in the flesh it looks absolutely mint but i'm with paulie, jash's border kit on his s15 is ultimate :uh-huh: adrian
  11. hey all rather eventful day this morning, rocked up to work and the place was locked nobody had prep'd anyhting up and even more noone was there guess who was that lucky bastard who had to get the shop up and running in ten mins?(impossible) adrian
  12. :shake: to nandos later guys adrian
  13. haha paulie, somehow jism in my mouth isn't making it better lol :grouphug: yay nandos time adrian
  14. hahaha your a funny guy paulie, NOT i actually can notice a few noises not suppose to be there, coz they weren't b4, but it seems cool this morning comments like that aren't really neccessary are they? well i'm off to work now whore ya later adrian p.s no i'm not having a shitty
  15. it sounds wierd when u talk gangsta speech paulie lol sup nigga adrian
  16. morning cam adrian
  17. hi dee ho neighbourino's work soon oh well is cam having a party without me heheheh the faint tapping sound is knida gone, i shall have a listen when i in the work carpark see if i can still hear it hopefully it'll be like this morning and dissappear niz why don't u ask bam to bring back a safc II from malaysia for ya? my mates went to malaysia last month brought back rsm's for like $200 adrian
  18. dammit i come back and u go off adrian
  19. awwwwwww everyone has gone adrian:p
  20. okay say a little birdy has a budget of 9,500k how would u spend that on a gts-t with limited mods like exhaust, airfilter adrian
  21. yeah trying not to stress about it, at the moment i can afford a rebuild, see how we go adrian
  22. yeah bigger cooler coming soon, i noticed the really faint knocking noise/tapping noise as the car was idling(cooling down) coz i had bonnet up and was checking catch can pipes adrian
  23. hey paulie, russ adrian
  24. aidwin boost is 0.5, 0.6 on hot days spikes to .7 .8 on cold nights with turbosmart bleed valve how much is it for a rebuild anyways? adrian
  25. ooooooh i get into the higher rev range, trust me on that niz belts not changed, should do that adrian
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