how are we all
adam came into nandos today, told me that the guy he sold his car to might have ****ed is car up big time apparently macka saw it on the back of a truck
i just got another speeding fine, my sis called me up dammit mr. bad mood manager now
oh well shit happens
maybe i'll stick to speed limits from now on
welcome back dan
hmmmmz still tossing up between coming to zest or not once my FF contract finishes
and sounds like the car is going good, can't wait to see it once it's done buddy
and yes and im whoring from nandos computer hehehe well i'm a manager now hehehe so i have an excuse for abusing priviliges
a sexy kit
jun frontbar, jun sideskirts, trial rearbar and a drift wing
ooooooooooooooooooh yeah
bomex frontbar, veiside skirts and rearbar and rear wing
hmmmmm sounds like my car