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Everything posted by APA

  1. ahhhh what date liz? so i can book my tickets adrian
  2. al has a new place? bam and aidiwn are taking chicken rice sumwhere? what going on adrian:p
  3. are they in perth liz? or they in another state? how fun i remember when i was a Junior Western Warrior and we got to go to Victoria for the Nationals ahhh that was awesome too bad i gave up cricket adrian:p
  4. al, broken nose from what? bouts of backyard boxing? and who is joel el el el el? adrian:p
  5. hahaha aidwin u thought it said lungs? how'd u get that? shit liz that sounds hell bad, i don't get why she couldn't feel her legs though? adrian
  6. liz nationals team? okay i'll narrow the possibilities down: 1) National Bunnings team? (no) 2) National Dancing Team (Maybe) 3) Liz has another interest (maybe) okay i is confused? adrian
  7. my work shoes havea hole in em as well and my foot gets drenched all the time too heheheheheee hmmmmmm i told ya we were long lost brothers lol adrian
  8. pretty much al oh well oneday we'll all be rich i tells ya !
  9. i wish i had a bit more money for mods adrian ;p
  10. enter the smelly nandos dude hehehe (yes i just fininished work) adrian
  11. hahaha well then thats how bam speaks heheh adrian
  12. what happened hks s14? adrian
  13. Al, where tha hell do u get all these random pictures from lol, it's kinda cool lol hahaha adrian:p
  14. okies dudes i am off to work whore yas later adrian
  15. yeah my parents going to singapore and malaysia in two weeks hehehe adrian
  16. dammit i want it hehehe adrian
  17. awwwwwwwwwww liz is it dvd? or vcd? adrian
  18. liz how come u didn't go to work today? are u sick? adrian
  19. i watched finding nemo the other night! it was a awesome movie adrian:p
  20. yo g unit(alex) hehehe anyways enough black talk have you all been on here all day? nice effort if yall have adrian
  21. yeah as per usual now i have to go to stinking work in an hour adrian
  22. hey all adrian:p
  23. hehehee too bad my gym is right next to a police station oh wellz well i'm off guys, the gym awaits whore yas l8r adrian:p
  24. hey liz little drive next weekend then hey? hmmmmmmmmz sounds tempting, but i thought the yellow sticker blitz was happening soonish? adrian
  25. yo sup sub and brett, alex if u still around adrian:p
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