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Everything posted by APA

  1. sup guys aidwin, the rally car anti lags are crazy i remember shitting my pants about 3 years ago when i drove past langley park when it use to be there and i never knew what anti lag was, and there was these rally cars next to us must have been coming back from forest chase anyways as they changed gears all i heard was pa pa paa pa papap hehehe i got scared adrian
  2. joe u going for the bikes? nice work man the closest i'll come to riding a bike is my Malvern Star or maybe the video games at timezone update, adrian has lost one more point adrian:p
  3. erik, xspeed did a awesome job on fitting my timer and it was $50 well spent i think don't go for dodgy $20 backyard jobs, u know the saying if your gonna do it, do it right the first time lol i think thats how the saying goes adrian:p
  4. sorry for that being off topic back on with losing licenses anyone know how many points you have when on p's? is it 6? coz i pretty sure i've lost two already camera's should be only for happy family snaps, not catching speeders dammit adrian
  5. not mentioning any names, but i'm sick of the bitching going on in the forums, lets cut the crap yeah? let people post what they want to post, in good reason..... no need to bag them out! i'm sure most of yall will know what i am talking about, if not just read one post above erik's last one adrian
  6. damn it's quiet, i been off for three hours and not one post anyways me is off to work i going to ruby room tonight after work anyone gonna be dere? i be dere round 10.30ish check yas adrian
  7. oh wellz me off to da gym whore yas later adrian
  8. i'm with docile icq is old skool anyways my email is [email protected] if anyone wants to add me to their msn list adrian:p
  9. i'm up for a bit of a cruise but i work till 10.30 tonight adrian:p
  10. anyone around nigga's? adrian
  11. paulie, are we suppose to give them sheets we are filling out back to u? adrian
  12. whooooooa gtr with t51r? in perth? hmmmmz sorry to hear ken, i'll buy a ticket to melbourne and join ya in some ass whooping if ya don't get ya deposit back adrian:p
  13. i'm over t.v haven't watched it for a while, coz it's mainly full of bullshit hehee unless the simpsons are on now that is quality adrian
  14. ummmm electronic suspension isn't exactly a shattered dream most of you should know that TEIN has a electronically adjustable suspension system very rare in perth though but it means BIG DOLLARS ERIK! one of the HKS circuit cars uses this system adrian:p
  15. do the dump and front at the same time! no point doing dump and having stock front pipe, coz you would have freed the dump up but then it goes back into the restrictive stock system(front pipe) adrian:p
  16. sup el negro's well i am off to work hehehee l8rs adrian ps: i wanna go to rally aus but nooooooooooooooo i have to work till 11.30pm
  17. will tonka truck do? heheh couldn't help myself adrian
  18. fat dexx u after a stock series one rear bar? i gots one with a slight scratch on it adrian:po
  19. i'm heading off now whore ya l8r adrian
  20. hey anyone around this early in tha morning? adrian
  21. well i got my new dump on, car pulls so much better now! i think it's safe enough to say the screamer pipe should be a called a leak pipe coz that all it does oh well thats over and done with adrian
  22. i dunno if i wanna get kings springs and the only other ones i've shopped around for are hks and tein catcha l8r adrian
  23. troo alex anyways i am off talk to you guys soon adrian
  24. troo alex anyways i am off talk to you guys soon adrian
  25. thats not fitted though dunno if i'll get them though adrian
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