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Everything posted by APA

  1. yep fingers crossed , knowing my luck they'll make me wait till tommorow or friday but they did tell me definately wednesday adrian
  2. morning brett, crap? i like to call it art adrian
  3. niz getting her new tyres on today? nice i've got my mobile next to me anxiously waiting for that call to pick up my car adrian
  4. dont lie u were talking to me (gayness) adrian
  5. three more days paulie then you leave adrian
  6. shut your trap bitch adrian
  7. hahahahaa you guys would not believe how much i got my Trust V-SPL cooler kit for Blitz, yeah they use factory piping i have been told, but not all off it, only the hot pipe off the turbo apparently? i shall find out and let you all know when mine arrives adrian
  8. everyone left me again dammit adrian
  9. liz, i go to cannington fitness first, but i got passport membership, so i can use any of the FF gyms in the world adrian
  10. i'm off to work guys whore yas l8r adrian
  11. don't get your hopes up though, i may extend my contract at Fitness First, coz quite frankly i like it there adrian
  12. liz, i'll be there 9am-5pm working like a dog adrian
  13. ew bam's ass :confused: adrian
  14. paulie, don't be getting all sloppy on me, ur gonna hate me when u get back, i might be a member at zest, and i'll be training u like a bitch hehehe adrian
  15. paul admit? hmmmmmz u coming outta the closet paulie? adrian
  16. and his gay boyfriend bambam, u missed him out paul adrian
  17. Sup bra's adrian
  18. anyways dudes, i am off to the gym whore yas later adrian
  19. did i really wanna know that? adrian
  20. what time do u leave saturday paulie? adrian
  21. sup niz, who got to work so fast? pauly? (phfft he still in bed, having a beat ) adrian
  22. i am sooooo bored,gonna go gym soon so it's all good adrian
  23. yeah should do we can install it before your flight on saturday adrian
  24. talked to nengun today, he has already sent my cooler so should arrive soon adrian
  25. sup ken,cam,joe if your still around i'm up nice and early as well (for once) adrian
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