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Everything posted by APA

  1. if yall still interested i can get Trust/Greddy Adjustable cam gears for like $190 each may be able to lower it if more people buy adrian
  2. The trust kits use the factory in inlet hole and outlet hole for the piping, thats why you don't need to cut a hole in the inner guard my trust kit should be arriving anyday now adrian
  3. aewsome info and pics dude i love these cars adrian
  4. greddy catch can hey? i wanna get one as well yeah if i don't enter my car in, i'll be there to watch i'll definately bring cam's jacket no bull-dick hahahahaha adrian
  5. alex, before u go what were u shopping for on taka's? adrian
  6. hehehe but u eat cow dicks adrian
  7. man whenever i come on, people always leaving adrian
  8. i'm back sis had to use phone adrian
  9. ohh nothings wrong getting my kit put on after 4 weeks waitin adrian
  10. why can't u use a rb26 gearbox? won't it fit? adrian
  11. sup micko and danny i have no car till wednesday(hopefully) adrian
  12. why are u all leaving now adrian
  13. where's this rollaboyz thread? adrian
  14. manuals are awesome to drive, hehe my test was in a manual hyundai accent i am out now peeps catcha l8r adrian
  15. i don't stall, the reason i have auto, is my dad was gonna drive the car as well but he decided he doesn't wanna drive it anymore, so i am stuck with the auto adrian
  16. i am outter here as well peoples adrian
  17. my license is manual , bambam don;'t make me come over thereand shove a cow dick down ur throat but you'd eat that on your own free will right? adrian
  18. i have a manual license dammit! i want a manual, stop making me cry adrian
  19. oh my god bam, get that shit off me listening to Ludacris:- Act a Fool it's the opening song from 2f2f, awesome beat adrian
  20. pauly, i'll look after the wolf for ya adrian
  21. auto skylines pull just as hard i would do anything for a manual car adrian
  22. pauly, late night cruise friday night? adrian
  23. i want my car back now i have to drive my sis's hyundai excel around i look like one of them tryhard's, coz i wanna listen to the 2f2f loud and get the phat bass pumping, but i cna't do that in a excel adrian
  24. pauly lets have a going away party friday night then you can see my kit adrian
  25. yeah i no, my car doesn't have that turbo rumble, it has a crazy truck roaring adrian
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