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Everything posted by APA

  1. bambam, u realise i gonna call u playa form now on adrian
  2. pauly my car ain';t that slow is it? adrian
  3. hahaha virgin bam bam adrian
  4. i got EBC brake pads aidwin don't even think about goin into the spoiler shop and checkin on my car adrian
  6. what ebc discs? jan don't have no ebc disks adrian
  7. that veilside kit costs shit loads adrian
  8. why pay so much for dba's? go to xspeed, and tell them to get you the discs they got me RDA(Rotor Discs Australia) SLotted Brake disc's (they are ****in awesome) adrian
  9. hahaha bam, don't show them our pointless conversations adrian
  10. yeah my sis loved it, she loved tyrese's Eclipse Convertible , she bought the 2 fast 2 furious soundtrack, hehe i had a part in making her buy that, because i'm rap at heart some awesome phat beats on there yeah pauly, car will be ready wednesday, so long as there's no dramas adrian
  11. pauls not in the uk, he doesn't leave till wednesday adrian
  12. sup bra's whats happening, i just took my sis to watch 2f2f lol adrian
  13. thats it boyz, feel the aches and pain, it only makes ya stronger i'll be going off for my workout today soon adrian
  14. nah it's cool pauly, my sis is gonna pick me up adrian
  15. i'm off dudes, to drop my car off no car till wednesday but then my kit is going on so adrian
  16. well, the south african dude wants me to put my car in as soon as i can today, so are you free at like lunch time? adrian
  17. i'm back, spoiler shop just called me, my kit is ready! they need my car from today till wednesday pauly you feel likw picking me up from spoiler shop? adrian
  18. sup chaos, i'm outta here lol adrian
  19. only good cartoon, is simspsons, and any japanese cartoon, apart from dragonball z, pokemon and sailor moon adrian
  20. niz, your cat needs therapy adrian
  21. no if i watched it like you, then i would be gay, but i don't watch it adrian
  22. okay gotta run, be back soon adrian
  23. niz, ur cat moonied you? pauly, dragonball z is for G A Y 's adrian
  24. pauly, please tell me you didn't get up to watch dragon ball z adrian
  25. hahaha pauly, shafted by bikers? lol dirty boy how about some bambam cuisine, maybe a nice serve of cow dingaling? where is bam bam anyways adrian
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