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Everything posted by APA

  1. niz, no more threats, not that i was bothered, coz i know it was a prank by some stupid ****, and when i find out they gonna realise it wasn't worth doing nah i would waste my time on some lil poxy dude who thinks he gonna scare me by a phone call adrian
  2. i'll be back soon adrian
  3. sorry paulie, yeah i know u told me, but i only got told i had family shit yesterdya adrian
  4. wherever, i'mup for anythhing, coz i dun work mondays at all anymore! adrian
  5. where can i get a staple gun from? adrian
  6. i was pissed, that i couldn't come on the cruise, i never get informed of family shit till last minute oh wells, lets go on a cruise tonight adrian
  7. sup bra's(hehehe) brett, picking up the ladies hey? nice work buddy, u got their numbers right? paulie, how was the poo car event? adrian
  8. i didn't see ya i was the black dude, in the creamlong sleeve shirt witha shaved head i'm off now as well, catcha l8r dude adrian
  9. cool cool mat, yeah i might move to zest, when my contract finishes at fitness first! yeah pacey, i went last night, paul told me you were suppose to come? adrian
  10. yeah, i go to the gym at least 4 if not 5 times a week it's a awesome place to be, don't be intimidated dude, everyone's there just to chill out and exercise i admit i was intimidated at first, but after a little while i loved it and still do! wat gym u goin to? zest? wats ur name coz i haven't a clue yours or pacey's names! adrian
  11. anyone still around? adrian
  12. as soon as nengun receives it from trust japan they gotta get it to him first, then he send it to me adrian
  13. yeah top secret, have a turbo echo, i remember seeing it in a mag adrian
  14. that turbo echo, is from top racing i think! adrian
  15. i needa clean my car badly! adrian
  16. your a champ hahaha i just realised your answer was gonna be you still needed a reply duh! ahhhh ice-cream (no thank you) i haven't eaten ice cream in ages and i intend on keeping it that way anyways man i am off to the gym might be on later today if not i'll see ya at 4.30pm adrian
  17. $3k to spend on more mods? wouldn't u want that adrian
  18. paulie, i'm over that lol that was last night hahahahahaaa der brain what time we all meeting today? coz i prolly won't be on again, very busy today i'm off to the gym soon adrian
  19. russ, i already considered this, but theres no point ur looking at nearly $3000 for there whole conversion, money is better spent on mods , or just sell the car and get a manual i just gonna wait till i get my next car definately a manual adrian
  20. steve/grant, i am willing to lend a hand! just name a time and place and i'll be there adrian
  21. sup man uno replyto my sms! why u meeting paul so earlytommrow? adrian
  22. yo niggaz you all leaving me now? adrian
  23. STEVE IS A CHAMP! adrian
  24. yo boost, i got my trust cooler kit for 91,100 yen it should arrive soon, nengun has to post it too me still whose doing them for 96,500? adrian
  25. niz you came back! just as i'm leaving adrian
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