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Everything posted by APA

  1. hahaha trying to get in the good books with th Sau babes hehehee it's all good good job, nice car, and a gym and good mates! all ya need adrian
  2. didn't ur woman get a speeding fine the other night? i ahte chicks that cheat, or flirt with other guys when they have a man lol that sums up just about every chick oh well long break for me and you russ, possibly for the rest of my life heheheehehe night micko adrian
  3. i thought u have a woman russ? yeah i'm with you, i think i'll have a ncie long break, i kinda like the single life anyways, dun have to worry bout anything adrian
  4. hahah he called me aj, i haven't been called that in ages who is fatcat? adrian
  5. yeah won't get too close again, i dun wanna go down that path again time for some new chickies i just needa find some first mild upgrade micko? should make some bloody decent power with the 2530's though adrian
  6. alex are you sure your tapping ur nose? u sound overly excited adrian
  7. nandos pays me not bad i promised my self i only uby a new turbo if i rebuild the engine, if you gonna do something, do it right the first time adrian
  8. ahhhhh nice choice mr.micko sir, were u tempted at all to go the big single turbo conversion? adrian
  9. no russ, no new girl this is the one that i just broke up with we decided to just be real close friends like we always were, so i asked her to come along adrian
  10. micko, u decided what snails u gonna chuck on? there was a immaculate trust td06-20g for sale at works today i was soooooooooo tempted to buy it and and external wastegate but then i decided to save my money adrian
  11. get jun, i was gonna get that, but then hehehe i decided differently nite alex adrian
  12. sup russ, are u booking the dinner? coz i bring a lil friend along so i needa get liz or whoever is bookin it too ad her in adrian
  13. sup guys, alex, hardly any of the kits on taka's is available in perth, i was thinkin of getting the trust, or wise sports kit from japan, but in the end it's costs tooooooo much ****in money like $5000 just for the bodykit then ya gotta worry bout freight and painting and fitting in perth adrian
  14. i'll get back to you on it i'm off to work now, whore ya later, have fun watchin 2f2f adrian
  15. Hey guys, anyone got a Rb25det Cam Cover they wanna get rid of? i need it so i can get it painted then put them on my car adrian
  16. i got the vaccum hoses form works 2.5meters of 6mm and 1 meter of 4mm cost me $52.00 i thought that was a pretty good price why don't u want polished cam covers anymore? adrian
  17. yeah vaccum hoses look good, i still need to do a bit more how much do you want for the polished set i'll take em if it's a good price adrian
  18. APA

    Queensland Wasteland

    damn you queenslanders, stole my niz away i'm gonna go back to w.a wasteland now adrian
  19. ahhhh even better, nah dun worry i'll take the polished ones i can still get em painted if i wanted to right? adrian
  20. DO NOT GIVE THOSE CAM COVERS TO ANYONE! i bags them adrian
  21. paulie, how much u want for them? or can i just swap my cam covers for them? i wanna get the ones you have painted adrian
  22. APA

    Queensland Wasteland

    niz, i'm not talking to you till u come back to WA hehehehee no offence queenslanders i still love yous adrian
  23. APA

    Queensland Wasteland

    yo traitors!, you left me whoring in WA Wasteland By myself not cool What Up Queensland i just finished putting blue vaccum lines in half of my engine bay adrian
  24. yo niggaz, come back an whore in here! paulie you still got them cam covers available, you told me bout ages ago? adrian
  25. need some help? hehehe i'll be more then willing, the one thing i hate the most is paying hard earned cash for something that is suppose to last ages, and it start fucin up after like 2 mins adrian
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