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Everything posted by APA

  1. nah i haven't ordered my personalised plates i have to get around to doing that soon okay i am really off now, the gym is calling me whore yas l8r adrian
  2. jsut b4 i go, joe may i ask why ur nick is Fabio on msn lol adrian
  3. thanks niz maybe cruising ain't such a good idea in this whether so late, will see what i ave planned for after the dinner, maybe i might along anyways dudes i am off to the gym now whore yas later adrian
  4. late cruise on saturday night? adrian
  5. thanks niz what do your parents do? adrian
  6. paul, are you talking bout Austech or Autech, if your talking bout the japanese company that does rare versions of the gtr and stuff then it's Autech, the Autech R34 4 Door GTR is a beast adrian
  7. anything niz, like retail or office shit i dun care lol, as long as it gets me outta food business and of course i gotta like it adrian
  8. i think theres a few turbo GTS-4's but very rare, dun think theres one in perth, i am talking bout r33's here! i know all the r32 gts-4's were turbo adrian
  9. pauly, looking for a job that has nothing to do with food, i am over working at nandos and over food shops nandos is just one ****ed up place to work, they all little bitches anyone wanna recoommend me? i need to find a job fast, day by day my hate for nandos builds cam, nengun sent me emial this morning, the cooler isn't even on it's way yet! japanese take hols when ever they feel like it adrian
  10. be back in two secs adrian
  11. yep pauly, i am on the job hunting trail right now adrian
  12. haha i do nuthin to the chickens, otherwise RSPCA will be on my back adrian
  13. sorry, i am looking for a new job so if ya want some nandos better get in soon, before i tell them to limit my shifts to two of three per week adrian
  14. so paulie u gonna see 2f2f twice? adrian
  15. i go last nite off i work tonight till thursday night then friday day adrian
  16. whats on thrusday night? i'm working anyways adrian
  17. bambam, go do some work! adrian
  18. what tickets? adrian
  19. haha ne w kids on the block, i never called them NKOTB lolz hey liz, when did you come in? didn't see ya adrian
  20. what is NKOTB? adrian:p
  21. haha niz, i'll be over to clean the pool again soon adrian
  22. haha bambam barry white is good, isaac hayes is bombed adrian
  23. hahaha wittle cam go scaredy waredy by a screamer pipe, hehe only jokes dude nah i haven't heard aidwin's screamer adrian
  24. yeah u can only hear the BOV somtimes, maybe it's time to go for a normal dump pipe lol NAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH adrian sup niz, did i clean the pool well? hehehe adrian:p
  25. bam bam, my car ain't that loud is it? hehehe you should hear it when i fully put my foot down, thats when my engine comes screaming outta tha bonnet sounds like it should belong in Jurrassic Park or something adrian
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