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Everything posted by APA

  1. sup cam adrian
  2. vikii where was my morning? adrian
  3. see ya l8r kichigai i got tailed by cops last night, hehe i turned off and watched some netball for my vanishing act lol adrian
  4. no psoiler shop hasn't called yet, my intercooler might not come this week due to nengun having to get it in stock, aidwin, if you want a profec A top racing have a second hand unit they wanna get rid off adrian
  5. sup all adrian
  6. my last comment for night is that cops are total knob shines adrian
  7. night paulie i might hit the sack as well dudes night all adrian
  8. coz aidwins, external wastegate ain't a flashy colour like the turbosmart or other branded ones so it doesn't catch the cops eye! all they look for is colour full shiny funny shaped things adrian:p
  9. hehehe bam bam, are you busy this week? coz spoiler shop told me to expect a call tommorow i fink to organise my car to come in and get the kit sorted and fitted adrian:p
  10. paulie, anytime this week it should arrive adrian
  11. yeah aidwin, just wait for my bodykit then i'll bring my digital camera and take some shots bam, just borrow sumones boost gauge adrian
  12. cam's dad's workshop in malage i pretty sure bam adrian
  13. sup aids, yeah when i was out an about tonight i saw like 5 cops cars, one followed me but then took off i thought i was pretty lucky yeah bam my intercooler should arrive this week, so me and cam chatted bout hopefully fitting it this weekend paulie u still wanna help as well? adrian
  14. bam, i'll give ya a hand installing the bleeder
  15. hahaha paulie the idea of going on a holiday, is to get away from everything you still gonna pick up some blue vaccum lines form works for me? adrian
  16. paulie, u sticking around are ya? adrian:p
  17. nite russ
  18. aww u going niz? nitey nite they i'll join ya soon hehehehehe paulie, i would rather concentrate on one woman, i wouldn't be able to control myself with two hehe adrian
  19. man, she is gonna hear about this lil crush, i gonna make sure she don't lay a hand on you hehehehe adrian
  20. niz, u cheating on me with a gurl? ur having cyber sex? noooo adrian
  21. nite ken, congrats again on the hillclimb win adrian
  22. paulie, who is this erin chicky? adrian
  23. russ, grab a pair of pliers or sumthin and yank it out make sure bolt is out though adrian
  24. speaking of aidwin, where has he been? adrian:p
  25. night liz
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