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Everything posted by APA

  1. but that kinda TLC is wrong paulie adrian
  2. too much info niz man and to think all this time i thought paulie batted for the other side adrian
  3. night micko niz, shafted when dropping the soap is a gay movie so i can't be in it! paulie, no mention of the lead actor coz everyone was outraged when he stuck it up his cars exhaust pipe (poor r33) adrian
  4. paulie, no i don't wanna be the soap because, i do not wanna be part of your gay games, maybe ERIK TUFA might wanna be the soap, i heard you and him always play hide the sausage together adrian
  5. yep ken just hammered him again lol paulie understands it's all in fun adrian
  6. oooh my bad niz, this new screen i have is playing mind games on me lol now i look at it, i can see th drool lol anyways back to cleaning the pool adrian
  7. paulie, who would want u to star in a porn movie? coz everyone knows you bat for the other side you could star in "Shafted while Dropping the Soap" adrian:p
  8. yes niz shaft is coming over to clean ze pool is that a throw up face next to the word shaft niz? you have broken shafts feelings adrian
  9. yes paulie, i am with you on that one, maybe one day we will find someone that doesn;t nag adrian
  10. liz hurley is hot, and yeah bam i guess i like the accents too hehehe only sometimes though adrian
  11. russ u getting lucky! YOU GO GIRL IT"S YOUR BIRTHDAY but i'm gonna have to back out of the bidding as i have to clean niz's pool adrian
  12. paulie, bring us back a nice uk chick? hehee minus the accent, and the bitchyness and the constanting nagging oppps looks like that counts out every woman in the uk adrian
  13. paulie, please tell me you didn't take me seriously when i said i was going to mow your lawn hahahaha oh you did? aww thats sweet hehehee adrian
  14. paulie, i just hope you have been setup with a nice pc with net connection, otherwise you may get violent and hurt your relatives coz of whoring withdrawal symptoms adrian
  15. bam, why did the guy flame u for? paul, i'll mow your lawn, for 100 bucks adrian
  16. i feel liek alex, i am having trouble keeping up, maybe it'scoz i haven't had a good whore in a while adrian
  17. haha russ 5 fiddy and 3 dolla *knock* sold to the man standing over there with the shaft avatar! why are we bidding on russ? adrian
  18. niz how can you repay me? hmmmmmmz let me think, i may be a while adrian
  19. aww bambam thats sounded like something out of a fairytale, we love you too adrian
  20. yeah russ my one feels alot more then 17" i have no idea why though but u gotta love the flat screen goodness adrian
  21. hahaha rob yeah i forgot bout the offset, i can't remember what mine are paul, why u talking bout rubbing me? bambam. who wants to burn you car, let me at em russ, are you sure the screeen is flat? i heard your blind hehe adrian
  22. yeah i got my notes ready for you niz, or when i upgrade to bigger and better things i'll donate everything to you the pleasure is mine when teaming up with you russ are you sure it's 17 inches? i was told by some little fairies it's 1.7 inches ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh damn nigga dat going down town he gonna get up in your face now! adrian
  23. rob 18X9 will fit fyne i have 18x8.5 at front and 18x9.5 at the rears adrian
  24. yo yo, whats up i just watched booty call hehe for all those that went on hols, how wuz it? russ: are u trying to copy me an buy a 17" monitor (dun worry bam bam dun it as well) bet ya u don't have flat screen heheh bam : tell those guys talking shit bout u there not only gonna have to deal with niz, but wit me as well adrian
  25. yep cam i'll let you know as soon as it comes in adrian
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