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Everything posted by APA

  1. now i'm going! l8r aidwin,cam
  2. yeah cam, the cooler should arrive this week sometime! you free on the weekend? if it comes? maybe we can bash the shit outta my ***** aswell heeheh adrian
  3. anyways cam, i gotta cruise now whore ya later man adrian
  4. adrian ! hehehehehee nice work i got high flow cat, my best option would be to put 3 inch piping inside the cat, instead of bashing it out adrian
  5. u bashed everything out of his cat? adrian
  6. hmmmmmmmmz? u took the whole cat off? u put piping through his cat? adrian
  7. what mods did ya do to aidwins cat? adrian
  8. okay i am off now, gotta go out whore ya l8r adrian
  9. l8rs russ
  10. darrnit alex ,split boy, before i take your hill billy ass down * more tumblweed rolls* adrian
  11. selling shoes is way better then my job! i hate nandos and i wanna quit who wants to get me a new job? adrian
  12. l8r alex
  13. russ smells
  14. damn, alex what did yas do to aidwins cat? cam looks like your gonna hafta explain what happend to aidwins ***** adrian
  15. but russ, when i start drinking i always take it too far, i say i'm alright then like an hours later, noone can find me coz i am sumwhere on my knees chucking like a bitch adrian
  16. and we can knock my high flow cat out adrian
  17. yeah alex, thats where cam said he can give me a hand, at his dad's thing, you should come down when the cooler actually arrives and we fit it you can build me a bushman touch CAI! adrian
  18. liz, you don't wanna see me drink lol i am a cadbury i haven't drunk since leavers, where i took it too far, i find it hard to down alcohol nowadays adrian
  19. i will never consider my car a beast, until it has a bigger turbo i wish i had enough money to get a aftermarket ecu oh well the SAFC II will have to do for now adrian:p
  20. alex, i ordered a cooler kit for myself, just too make sure that when you guys are ready to order you won't get caught by customs! coz i didn't want everyone to end up paying tax, so i thought if anyonewas gonna get caught and pay customs tax it would have to be me i'll let ya know how it goes, it should arrrive anytime this week your welcome to come check it out, as cam and paul gonna give me a hand fitting it i think adrian
  21. russ, are you forgetting i am only 17 so i would have been in the clubs, but sometimes i am around the area picking up friends, or my sis just wait till my 18th your alll invited! adrian
  22. liz, you don't know a Emma Sheehan do ya? i use to go to primary school wif her adrian
  23. yeah i was russ, picking up my friend and her mate sup alex, i tried getting a pic of shaft in africa but couldn't find it liz, i'll help u phuck up that guy who screwed around with u(the gtr discs) adrian
  24. hey all, whats happening adrian
  25. CONGRATS KEN! nice to hear you won! umm that speedworks corolla you talking bout, didn't that get smashed up in some other comp? and then they got it back for this comp? or am i just lost? adrian
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