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Everything posted by APA

  1. lauren were you watching jap porn adrian
  2. well most at the gym are taken, best thing about the one who apparently been asking bout me, is that she works their heheh i can work on discounts adrian
  3. GEEEKS "adrian :burnout: and hides" heheh adrian
  4. dammit how do u do it :scratchyheadthingo: adrian:p
  5. no way am i a comci book nerd the only cartoon i like is the simpsons! it makes me laugh so hard whats the shortcut for the scratchy head smilie? :? adrian
  6. paulie watchs dragonball z? whats goin on? adrian
  7. hahaha i'm the backwards man, i can go back as fast you can , i'm the back wards man i'm the backwards man i can go back as fast as you can hahahahahaa adrian
  8. brett wats going on with you spelling? lol whose baffy duck hehehe adrian
  9. i jus got told yesterday i am entitled to 3 weeks of paid holidays hehe yay for me good ol part time adrian
  10. i have hardly anytime to watch tv work and gymand car sums up my day and on ceratin days the net is included adrian:p
  11. what about Pokemon? adrian
  12. hahahaha aidwin paulie is there something you ain't telling us? like a linkage to prince? lol so thats where your gay side comes from adrian
  13. paulie, getting angry on me? you just told me to get phucked:( NOT HAPPY JAN lolz DEFINATELY NO GYM CHICKS FOR YOU! adrian
  14. i'll be back in a sec dudes adrian:p
  15. hahaha thats why i didn't say what it was hahahaha i ain't taht stupid i hear you already told aidwin anyways and he told bambam so hahahahahahaha adrian
  16. paulie, i see you want to be like me and get a ***** front bar BITCH i found this awesome picture of the original shaft but it is a tad to big to fit into my avatar anyone got software to resize it with? for me adrian
  17. be back soon adrian
  18. thats cool aidwin do you feel like keeping them ion your storage room? lol coz i got nowhere to put them at home adrian
  19. haaha troo that speaking of dead things, i think i ran over a bird tha other day all i saw was a cloud of feathers in the air through my rear view mirror lol i be back in two secs dudes adrian
  20. aidwin, you still need a stock airbox or what dude? adrian
  21. yeah thats cool paulie, just let me know when your able to get it adrian
  22. kill the cat, also one of the most expensive if you get caught adrian
  23. sup paulie, it's only me i fink so u gonna do me a favour and get me the vacuum hoses hehehe adrian
  24. hmmmmmm dilemmas kill ***** or not kill ***** hmmmmmmmmmz adrian
  25. in my eyes, any holden is a write off in my eyes lol i wouldn't touch them unless of couse someone donated it to me as a daily driver lol adrian
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